Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Sunday, 10 November 2013

No news is a good news

Hi! I know I know! Calm down, people! Hold your horses..geez
You must be asking what the hell am I saying, right?

No news is a good news is a saying in which you prefer not to know any news at all. Wait, what? yes. The reason?

People, now we live in the place where a pedophile uncle happily fucked- literally fucked- his 9 month niece till she died and even if all the evidences had pointed at him clearly, he just didn't want to admit.
I'll ask you one simple question, people. Does this kind of news give you a hope of humanity? OMG what I am thinking right now is that Mars might not that bad after all.

We have been exposed with too many bad news in this world. We might re-consider our decision to live in this horrible country, right? Every time we turn on our tv, scroll down our timeline, or simply read our morning newspaper, bad after bad news are spread all over the places. Corruption, sexual harassment, divorce, some morons whom we call as representatives in government , fights, drugs, and some stupid celebrities' dramas are the things that we keep on knowing, right? Where is the news about our young people that win in some international events?

If you keep thinking that maybe you will be left behind if you don't catch up with the latest news, I guess it is better to be left with that kind of news than to feel in such misery to keep wondering why on earth we should live surrounded by some morons and jerks after reading or watching the news.

Your life, your decision tho'

ps: not keeping up with the latest news doesn't mean that you cover your eyes and ears from what happens in your surrounding after all. Mind the difference :)

Tuesday, 5 November 2013


Wondering why I still wake up in the middle of midnight like this? Me too! I fell like I get the surge of energy wuuwuwu perhaps it's because of the nappy that I took before. Well, since I'm still awake and haven't felt sleepy yet, why don't I post sth here? Ikr I'm a genius.
Let's start it.

This is a story about me being a foolish back then.

Idk what was into me but I suddenly took my BlackBerry this morning and charged it. After it was fully charged, I clicked the BBM icon and scrolled thru names there and opened the history chat one by one. I also clicked the message icon and did the same thing as well. Then I realized sth.
I realized how mean I was (or am).
I mean I pushed the people that probably loved and cared about me away and I just waited for the one who had hurt me to come back. Ikr such a fool!
Now I feel so bad about them. I do really want to apologize for being a diva alike, but Idk how huhu 

However, indeed reading old conversations could bring the smile, the tears, and the anger again. It works just like a time machine.Too bad that "time machine" cannot be used to change the past.
well well well, look who regrets everything now? yeay me!

Friday, 1 November 2013

Chocolate and Happiness

Chocolate and Happiness

            Let us forget the famous proverb “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” How if we make the new one? “A bite of chocolate a day keeps the wrinkle away.” We definitely need that new proverb. Since a long time ago, chocolate has been related to bring happiness for those who eat it. When people feel so sad, what do they eat? Chocolate! What do they feel after they grab and then eat chocolate? Happy, is not it?
Actually, this phenomenon can be proven scientifically. Due to some researches done by professionals, chocolate is proven containing phenethylamine that can trigger endorphin to be released. Endorphin itself is the hormone produced by our body when we feel happy. With the help of endorphin, we can feel much more relax and also control our emotion better. Researchers also said that the reaction produced after eating chocolate is the same with the feeling we get when we are in love. Besides that, in 1996 researchers found that chocolate also contains anandamide that can activate brain receptor just like weed does. No wonder whenever we eat chocolate, we get our mood back instantly. However, the chocolates distributed in markets nowadays contain less chocolate and more sugar which makes the benefits cannot really be felt. Moreover in America, milk chocolates contain only 10 percents of liquor chocolate where it should be 30 percents.
Despite the scientific facts about chocolate and its relation with happiness above, the other reason why it can bring happiness to people because most of the time, we are happy after eating chocolate because of the person who gives it to us not because of the chocolate itself. Mostly it is given by the ones that care and love us, for example our crush, as a symbol to show love. This makes us happy because we feel like we are special and adored. However it is just my silly assumption according to what I have ever felt.

Celebrities with Anxiety Disorders

Celebrities with Anxiety Disorders

Try to type on Google “celebrities with anxiety disorder” then tell me what you feel after reading some articles given there. Mind blowing, is not it? Celebrities from Barbra Streisand to Emma Stone are listed to have various kind of anxiety disorders. Indeed it is really shocking to know the fact that rich and famous celebrities and other well-known people like them are struggling so much to deal with their anxiety. We always think that their lifes are amazingly flawless with fame, money, and luxuries arround them. With things like that, we assume that they can get anything they want easily.
However do you know that Angelina Jolie suffers from a great self-insecurity? She never feels satisfied with herself and what she has achieved. She keeps saying that she is not pretty enough, she has not been a good actress until now, and she has not given real contribution to society. In fact, she has accomplished all of the things above. Rumor said that it is because of the tight competition in Hollywood which makes her to be like that. Also do you know that David Beckham, the very famous and highly respected English footballer, has sort of OCD to insist on things have to be in even numbers? When he finds out that things that he has are not in order that he wants, he will throw or add things to make sure that they are in even numbers. By the way, who knows that Hugh Laurie actually suffered from a mild depression while filming “House”? It went the same too to Heath Ledger who could not detach from his role as Joker in “The Dark Knight” the second film in Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy. It made him suffered from several depressions before he decided to commit suicide due to alcohol and drug reason. They are just a few examples of celebrities who deal with anxiety.
However, quoted from calmclinic.com, there is something we can learn from those celebrities. They are not shamed to tell their “problems” to others so that they can seek for help to control their anxiety disorders. People with anxiety sometimes get shamed, become introvert, and refuse to tell their problems to their close ones or to the experts. It could be dangerous because even a light depression can lead you to do stupid thing, such as committing suicide.

Taking Chance

Taking Chance
            Who says that movie should have conflict in it? Taking chance will show you how a simple and flat movie could bring you into tears. This movie tells a story of a marine named Lt. Colonel Michael Strobl who escorted the body of marine name PFC Chance Phelps that died in the Iraq war. This movie starred by Kevin Beacon, the one who has played in many outstanding movies, such as a few good man, x-man, footloose, and many more. This movie was premiered on HBO on February 21st, 2009 after it was selected to be shown at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.
It tells a story of Colonel Strobl, a behind the desk-type of marine that never participated in any wars. One day, he took an offer to escort the dead body of PFC Chance Phelps to his hometown. He said yes to that offer because PFC Phelps came from the same hometown as he did while in fact he did it because he felt guilty to see many marines who died in wars while he was living in comfortable life with his family. After he discussed this offer with his wife, he then went to Dover Port Mortuary to get some instructions before doing his duty. One of the most important instructions was that he had to bring PFC Phelps’ personal stuffs with him no matter what. Off he went to the airport to escort Phelps’ body. Along with the road, Americans gave many salutes to the fallen marine, PFC Chance Phelps, in many ways. For example, a flight attendant gave Colonel Strobl a crucifix, later on he realized that it was not meant for him, it was given by her to honor Phelps. These small yet touching scenes are the reasons why viewers get so emotionally attached with this movie.
Through this movie, we are shown how Americans do really salute their heroes no matter who they were. It is really touching to see another side of Americans that we have never seen before. Most of the time we are only shown how individualistic Americans are, how apathetic they are, and how careless they are to their surrounding, but this movie does the opposite of it. We can see soft-hearted Americans who united together as a nation to grieve the fallen body of PFC Phelps, even they did not know him personally, but they knew that this guy had made USA proud.


Hi fellas, been a long time since the last time I posted something here. Lately I'm being busy with my college stuffs. Mid-term is the most challenging one. However, I'll try to keep making update here. Now I'll post three writings of mine. Well they are not really fresh from the oven because they were my college assignments actually hehehehe. Hope you guys like it :D

ps: Happy Halloween! Boo!!!!