Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Hi guys! been such a long time since the last time I posted something here. 

So, this afternoon, I was playing a role play with my two sisters and 1 very cute bro. I was pretending to be a tourist while they all became locals. As a tourist, ofc I used English while trying to communicate with them. Here are few examples of our funny conversations.

Me : Hi, what's your name?
Yasmine : My name is Yasmine
Me : How old are ya?
Y : I am eight years old
Me : Oh I see, Yasmine.
Y : Yes, My hobby you know singing
Me : well.... 

(Nobody asked about your hobby, yasmine haha. JK)

Me : and you, what's your name?
Dimi : Dimitri
Me : How old are you?
Dimi : yes yes!
Me : Huh? I am asking your age. It's not a yes/no question
Dimi : No. No!
Me : Well, dimi. I'm gonna ask you again. How old are you? Four or Five?
Dimi : Five eh..Four...eh Five and four (bebassss)
Me : Haha okay I guess you're five years old. right?
Dimi : No no!
(couple secs later)
Dimi : Yes yes!
Me : Huh? 
Dimi : abjah7238aklh (speaking randomly in I don't know what language he used)
Me : I don't understand what you're saying. 
Dimi : aihewiowownncijsieyiqi (continued to speak randomly)
Me : Cmon, I don't understand. Speak English!!
Dimi : THANK YOU! *yelling* 
Me : haha well, nice to meet you then.
Dimi : naiz cu miz yu 

I love them so muchhh. I can't imagine how my life would be without having them around.