Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Sunday, 5 January 2014

I don't get people

Hi guys...what do you think of that picture? I'm terribly mad seeing it somehow. Yesterday I saw my friend posted that picture and tagged some words "sudah siap menjadi ibu rumah tangga? sungguh mulia pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga" ---ya seperti itulah kira-kira. From there, I do want to have some words about people's mindsets about housewives.

I'm a Moslem and I'm so proud with my identity. However I just don't get some Moslem's point of view about the idea of being a wife and mother as well. I mean do you try to make housewives equal to maids? Like come on. You don't have to underestimate the power of being a-stay at home- mom. It is not just about sweeping the floor, washing the clothes and dishes, doing the cooking stuffs, or taking care of the baby. It is much more than that. Me myself, I will never see my mom in that kind of way!! I repeat, I would never look my mom in that way-like never in the next zillion years. I see my mom as my hero, life biggest supporter, financial supporter :p, the best psychologist in town, and the one who has the warmest hug ever! I actually do not know how to deliberate it to you guys. What I am trying to say is just please do not ever have that traditional idea of a -stay at home- mom like the one on the picture above. If you still think that way, come one you live in the stone age or something? Like I don't get you people.

The next thing that I don't get from people is their perception about working women. Again, I'm a Moslem and I'm proud of it, yet I see some Moslems still hold on to the concept that being a-stay at home-mom is much more noble than being a working mom. Like, what?? I see there is sort of judging thing going on here. Direct or indirectly, some people have categorized the women who are willing to be a-stay at home-mom as the ideal ones and the other as the not-so-ideal ones. Do you know that Siti Khadijah, wife of Prophet Muhammad, is a successful businesswoman? It is a proof that you can be a working woman and still you can be a good damn wife for your husband, the best woman in the history moreover. So why people in this era still so left behind by putting that "sumur, dapur, kasur" tagline to a married woman?

At the end, I'm just saying tho'

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