Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Tuesday, 2 December 2014

I could no longer see you

In one November noon,
Rain drops the memories of you  
I could no longer see you
Oh my dear, how are you? 

December comes fast
End this painful year
Erase my memory of you
I could no longer see you  

I am lying on my bed 
When sad song marching in my head 
Taking me back to the time 

When you and I are one 

Created by Me. Niatnya buat tugas puisi bikin lagu, tapi ga ngerti melody nya gimana, anaknya ga musik banget. 

Tuesday, 29 July 2014


Hi guys! been such a long time since the last time I posted something here. 

So, this afternoon, I was playing a role play with my two sisters and 1 very cute bro. I was pretending to be a tourist while they all became locals. As a tourist, ofc I used English while trying to communicate with them. Here are few examples of our funny conversations.

Me : Hi, what's your name?
Yasmine : My name is Yasmine
Me : How old are ya?
Y : I am eight years old
Me : Oh I see, Yasmine.
Y : Yes, My hobby you know singing
Me : well.... 

(Nobody asked about your hobby, yasmine haha. JK)

Me : and you, what's your name?
Dimi : Dimitri
Me : How old are you?
Dimi : yes yes!
Me : Huh? I am asking your age. It's not a yes/no question
Dimi : No. No!
Me : Well, dimi. I'm gonna ask you again. How old are you? Four or Five?
Dimi : Five eh..Four...eh Five and four (bebassss)
Me : Haha okay I guess you're five years old. right?
Dimi : No no!
(couple secs later)
Dimi : Yes yes!
Me : Huh? 
Dimi : abjah7238aklh (speaking randomly in I don't know what language he used)
Me : I don't understand what you're saying. 
Dimi : aihewiowownncijsieyiqi (continued to speak randomly)
Me : Cmon, I don't understand. Speak English!!
Dimi : THANK YOU! *yelling* 
Me : haha well, nice to meet you then.
Dimi : naiz cu miz yu 

I love them so muchhh. I can't imagine how my life would be without having them around. 

Saturday, 15 February 2014



Cries cracked down in the midst of silence inside the hospital room. Many would suggest the baby to come back again into the warmth of her mom's womb so that she shouldn't have to feel the bitterness of life, while others would happily suggest her to embrace it so she can taste kinds of sweetness that life will give to her. A baby girl was born on the Valentine's day, and I my friend, I was that baby.


That baby now has been  a university student. She is no longer the baby the story told. She doesn't have to wear diapers or blanket anymore. She has been living on this magnificent earth for nineteen years. Although she hasn't lived longer than her parents, she has gone through the bitterness and sweetness of life as what have been told by people earlier on the day she was born. This kind of eerie feeling comes by to say hello to her. That feeling wants to remind her that she only has one year left before she turns into 20 which means that she will become an adult next year. She will be burdened by bigger responsibility than before. That feeling also reminds her that sooner or later she will face the stage of life in which she has to work her ass off to earn money so she could survive and feed her family. Speaking about family, marriage will also haunt her in her 20's. She has to find the right guy to build a little family with. Wow look how amazing a year brings to her. She blatantly needs to change her point of view about everything, but hopefully she won't change her pure heart for any reasons.

Let's see what the future holds for her


Wow such a heavy thought, isn't it? anyway, yesterday I was celebrating my 19th birthday, folks :D I got three surprises from my friends and families (I'll upload some photos from yesterday's surprises). I also got so many birthday wishes from people around me, so it can be sure that I'll have to thank them all for wishing such a great wishes to my life. Hopefully God listens to your wishes and mine as well :) There's nothing better than being prayed by the people that love you, right?
If I'm not mistaken, there are five wishes that continuously spoken by them.

1. Me getting boyfie HAHAHAHA
2. Me getting excellent score continuously
3. Me having a great life ahead
4. Me getting TALLER and SLIMMER
5. Me being the best version of me

Hope all the wishes come trueeeeee. Aamiin

Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Tahu Diri

Baru bener-bener menghayati lagunya. Well, enough said...............

Wednesday, 8 January 2014


Ladies & Gentlemen, kindly meet the love(s) of my life................

1. Tom Hardy 

I think I have sort of weird obsession with British guy hahaha like cmon guys how can you handle for not being melt with their sexy accents? Admit it, you just can't! Anyway, the first movie of him that I've watched is Inception, but I didn't notice him that much in that movie. I started to fall in love with him and his acting ofc when I watched him playing in This Means War. This British actor has played in various movies, such as; Inception, Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy, Lawless, This Means War, Warrior, and also TDKR. The thing that I love from him, besides his absolutely stunning face & body, is that he is a talented actor IMO. He can jump from one character into another whole different ones. He can't be serious about that. Gosh he has to stop making me out of breath every time I watch his movies. Too bad, he has been captivated by Charlote Riley's love poison.

2. Josh Duhamel

Hot daddy! the best phrase to describe this guy, isn't it? He's quite different than the other 4 hotties in this list tho'. He doesn't have that serious look in his face, in fact, he has that funny look that makes girl losing her mind instantly. Fergie must be the luckiest woman in the world right now (or maybe the other way around?) whatever~ the point is he isn't mine pfft. Just like any other great Hollywood actors, he also has played in many good movies, such as Transformers, When in Rome,  Ramona and Beezus, Life as We Know It, New Year's Eve, and Safe Haven. HUAAAH I can't help this feeling....geez

3. Jason Statham

Hahahah another English gentleman I know sorry guys. I don't expect to put him in this list, but screw me! The Italian Job has successfully made me so damn curious to find out more about him. I was so captivated by his handsomeness, no wonder why he's called handsome rob in that movie. That dazzling eyes ughhhh, can you even control your heart beating so fast while looking at those eyes? For me personally, I CAN'T! He has also made many appearances in movie industry. The Transporter, The Expandables, The Mechanic, Safe, Fast&Furious are some of the movies he had played on. The latest one is Homefront in which he plays with the fabulous James Franco.

4. Ryan Gosling

Who doesn't love him, once again? What? No one. Not even a single lady? Great! This world is damn good. Thank God you have created this- Idk what to say -absolutely stunning man. You can't have enough Gosling pictures on your phone, can you? There's something about him that no man in the world has, but I don't know what it is. His charm is beyond my reach. It strikes me right in the middle of my heart. Cmon Gosling I'm all over the place thanks to you! Many beautiful celebrities have dated with him-well it's no wonder since he is Ryan Gosling tho'. The Notebook, Lars and The Real Girl, Blue Valentine, Drive, The Ides of March, Gangster Squad, and Crazy, Stupid, Love are some of his works in movie industry.

5. Jude Law

Yes yes I know, another British, who cares anyway? He's widely known for his role as Dr. John Watson in Sherlock Holmes and its sequel. I swear I can stand just sitting next to him and listening to him saying anything all day long. Anything comes from his mouth is just like a melody to me hahahaha. I smell fangirling thingy happening here. Besides Sherlock Holmes, he also has played in various movies, such as The Talented Mr. Ripley, The Holiday, Hugo, Side Effects, and many more.

Enough said about those gorgeous men, back to reality~

Sunday, 5 January 2014

I don't get people

Hi guys...what do you think of that picture? I'm terribly mad seeing it somehow. Yesterday I saw my friend posted that picture and tagged some words "sudah siap menjadi ibu rumah tangga? sungguh mulia pekerjaan ibu rumah tangga" ---ya seperti itulah kira-kira. From there, I do want to have some words about people's mindsets about housewives.

I'm a Moslem and I'm so proud with my identity. However I just don't get some Moslem's point of view about the idea of being a wife and mother as well. I mean do you try to make housewives equal to maids? Like come on. You don't have to underestimate the power of being a-stay at home- mom. It is not just about sweeping the floor, washing the clothes and dishes, doing the cooking stuffs, or taking care of the baby. It is much more than that. Me myself, I will never see my mom in that kind of way!! I repeat, I would never look my mom in that way-like never in the next zillion years. I see my mom as my hero, life biggest supporter, financial supporter :p, the best psychologist in town, and the one who has the warmest hug ever! I actually do not know how to deliberate it to you guys. What I am trying to say is just please do not ever have that traditional idea of a -stay at home- mom like the one on the picture above. If you still think that way, come one you live in the stone age or something? Like I don't get you people.

The next thing that I don't get from people is their perception about working women. Again, I'm a Moslem and I'm proud of it, yet I see some Moslems still hold on to the concept that being a-stay at home-mom is much more noble than being a working mom. Like, what?? I see there is sort of judging thing going on here. Direct or indirectly, some people have categorized the women who are willing to be a-stay at home-mom as the ideal ones and the other as the not-so-ideal ones. Do you know that Siti Khadijah, wife of Prophet Muhammad, is a successful businesswoman? It is a proof that you can be a working woman and still you can be a good damn wife for your husband, the best woman in the history moreover. So why people in this era still so left behind by putting that "sumur, dapur, kasur" tagline to a married woman?

At the end, I'm just saying tho'