Morning lads! FINALLY FINALLY with the help of Allah S.W.T I can get through this semester (quite) happily. Let me tell you one thing! DO NOT - I repeat - DO NOT ever take 4 languages together in one semester! You'll sooner or later realize that you have no life anymore. This whole memorizing things drove me crazy. Indeed the learning process is so awesome, but wait until quizzes, mid tests, and final tests hit you. Dude seriously....
lalalala cut the crap already! now I'll show you what I got from all those languages that I took last term.
Merhaba! İyi gunler! Nasılsınız? Ben iyiyim tesekkür ederim.
Benim adım Yummi Zahra Sharita. Bana Yummi diyebilirsiniz. Ben Endonezyalıyım Jakarta'da oturuyorum. Ben 1995'te doğdum. On sekiz yasındayım. Ben Endonezya Üniversitesinde İngilizce bölumunde. Ben İngilizce, Türkçe, İtalyanca ve Japonca konuşuyorum.Babam müdür. Annem ev hanımı. Benim üç kardesim var. Benim iki kardeş var ve bir erkek kardeş.
Ben simdi eve film izleyiyorum. Ben dün okula gittim çunku Türkçe test var. Alhamdulillah Türkçe test cok kolay. Ben geleçek ay okula gideceğim çunku tatil.
Tesekkür ederim arkadasım
Ciao! cominciamo! Tutto bene?
Come ti chiami? Mi chiamo Yummi. Sono Indonesiana di Jakarta. Ma abito a Jakarta. Sono studentesa di lingua a Depok. Ho diciotto anni. Il mio compleano e il quattordici febbraio. Io parlo Indonesiana, Inglese, Giapponese e Italiano. Il mio padre è Wahyudi. La mia madre è Asmi. Io ho due sorelle e un fratello. Le mie sorelle e Darin è Yasmine. Darin ha quindici anni. Yasmine ha sette anni. Il mio fratello è Dimitri. Lui ha quattro anni. Mi piace gelato ma non mi piace cappucino. Oggi è il dieci decembre. è mezzanotte e dodici. Sono in camera mia e scrivo sul mio blog.
Grazie mille
Nihon go
Konichiwa. O genki desuka?
Watashi wa yummi desu. Indoneshia daigaku no eigo gakka no gakusei desu. UI wa yūmeina daigaku desu. Watashiwa juu hachi desu. Watashi no tanjoubi wa ni gatsu juu yokka desu. Aruite gakusei e ikimasu. Kino sūpā de miruku o kaimashita. Kyō densha de hitori de watashi no uchi e ikimasu. Kino wa watashi no ryōshin no kekkon kinenbi deshita. Watashi wa kesa asa gohan o tabemasendeshita :(
Watashi wa kotoshi nihon go o benkyoshimasu. Nihon go wa muzukashii desuga, omoshiroi desu. Watashi wa sensei ni nihon go o naraimasu. Watashi no sensei wa kirei to shinsetsu desu.
Arigatou gozaimasu.
NAHAHAHAHAHA Sorry for the errors if I made ones. I'm still a newbie tho' in those languages. And yes sorry but not sorry I can only produce simple sentences (at this point) :p I hope that I can (at least) master one language above to be my second language beside English ofc. Due to the globalization era, mastering many languages (beside english) is absolutely needed.
Learning grammar and words in those languages is not that hard after all. However, when you want to step deeper into the sentence level----well it's another different story. Let me tell you one thing, all languages have their own challenges. For Turkish language for example, it is hard for you to learn it at first because this language somehow seems like coming from another part of the world for me. However, the grammatical rules used in all tenses are almost the same, so you just have to get used to it to understand it better. Yes it is the matter of doing the exercise over and over again. Italian language has its own challenge too. Since I'm not used to using feminile and maschile to mention a thing. Ofc it made me frustrated for a while. I have to memorize which words come whit the article il and lo and which ones have to use the la and l' article. Not mention again the other articles which are un, uno, una, un'. NANANANA however once you have found the right key to open the mystery haha you can directly think that "Damn I sound so sexy and smart to speak this language." For Japanese language, because I have learned it when I was in senior high, it is not a big deal for me (at first) bahahhaha. I thought that I just have to review some materials I've learned, but I guess I was wrong. I have to study all the materials all over again since I forgot it already, nahhhh but it's okay I enjoy the process.
At the end of the day, I found it very interesting to learn languages that I have not known before. In fact, I want to master those languages and other languages as well. I finally find my passion which is learning languages.
Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type
Friday, 20 December 2013
Sunday, 8 December 2013
Mulutmu Harimaumu
---baru saja menginjakan kaki di rumah
Segera kutemui adik laki-laki kesayangnku- Dimitri namanya. Ku hampiri dia dan ku cium pipi nya hingga ia tergeli-geli akibatnya. Lalu seperti biasanya, aku berbincang-bincang kecil dengannya. Tentang apapun dan biasanya tidak bermakna perbincangan kami ini hehe maklumlah. Perbincangan kami biasanya diakhiri dengan perdebatan karena tidak ada yang ingin mengalah jika tengah membahas suatu topik.
Namun, perbincangan kami kali ini cukup berbeda -tergolong cukup unik dan cenderung dapat menimbulkan senyum di bibir bahkan.
Jadi begini ceritanya :)
Aku sedang berbicara tentang kemungkinan nama untuk Dimitri. Ku bilang padanya "Dimi, harusnya kan nama kamu bukan Dimitri Pramana tau, harusnya nama kamu tuh Dias Swara Perdana" Dimi terlihat bingung "emang iya? dias kan namanya si dias." haha bingung? Biar kujelaskan sedikit. Dias adalah nama sepupuku. Usianya tidak jauh berbeda dengan usia Dimitri.
Lalu ku bilang "lagian kamu sok imut banget sih minta dipanggil dimi, harusnya dipanggilnya dimitri dong" dimi menjawab "biarin aja dipanggil dimi." Lalu aku menggodanya dengan melontarkan ucapan seperti ini "eh apa kamu dipanggil Pram aja ya? haha iya pram aja kan nama kamu Pramana." Sontaklah dimi marah karena tidak terima dipanggil pram hehe. Dia melontarkan segala alasan mengapa ia tidak mau dipanggil dengan panggilan Pram. Tidak lama berselang, disaat kami sedang terdiam -aku sedang menonton acara TV cukup serius pada saat itu. Tiba-tiba dimi mengatakan sesuatu "eh Yu lagi ngapain?" bingunglah aku kenapa aku dipanggil Yu. Lalu ku bilang "yeeeee yu yu, emang aku mbok yu jamu apa?" lalu dimi menjawabnya "lah kan nama kamu Yummi, berarti bisa dipanggil Yu." Aku tercengang untuk beberapa saat lalu tertawa terbahak-bahak karenanya. Mama yang sedang bersama kami saat itupun sontak tertawa dan berkata "tuh pinter adiknya."
haha sungguh mulutmu harimaumu.
Segera kutemui adik laki-laki kesayangnku- Dimitri namanya. Ku hampiri dia dan ku cium pipi nya hingga ia tergeli-geli akibatnya. Lalu seperti biasanya, aku berbincang-bincang kecil dengannya. Tentang apapun dan biasanya tidak bermakna perbincangan kami ini hehe maklumlah. Perbincangan kami biasanya diakhiri dengan perdebatan karena tidak ada yang ingin mengalah jika tengah membahas suatu topik.
Namun, perbincangan kami kali ini cukup berbeda -tergolong cukup unik dan cenderung dapat menimbulkan senyum di bibir bahkan.
Jadi begini ceritanya :)
Aku sedang berbicara tentang kemungkinan nama untuk Dimitri. Ku bilang padanya "Dimi, harusnya kan nama kamu bukan Dimitri Pramana tau, harusnya nama kamu tuh Dias Swara Perdana" Dimi terlihat bingung "emang iya? dias kan namanya si dias." haha bingung? Biar kujelaskan sedikit. Dias adalah nama sepupuku. Usianya tidak jauh berbeda dengan usia Dimitri.
Lalu ku bilang "lagian kamu sok imut banget sih minta dipanggil dimi, harusnya dipanggilnya dimitri dong" dimi menjawab "biarin aja dipanggil dimi." Lalu aku menggodanya dengan melontarkan ucapan seperti ini "eh apa kamu dipanggil Pram aja ya? haha iya pram aja kan nama kamu Pramana." Sontaklah dimi marah karena tidak terima dipanggil pram hehe. Dia melontarkan segala alasan mengapa ia tidak mau dipanggil dengan panggilan Pram. Tidak lama berselang, disaat kami sedang terdiam -aku sedang menonton acara TV cukup serius pada saat itu. Tiba-tiba dimi mengatakan sesuatu "eh Yu lagi ngapain?" bingunglah aku kenapa aku dipanggil Yu. Lalu ku bilang "yeeeee yu yu, emang aku mbok yu jamu apa?" lalu dimi menjawabnya "lah kan nama kamu Yummi, berarti bisa dipanggil Yu." Aku tercengang untuk beberapa saat lalu tertawa terbahak-bahak karenanya. Mama yang sedang bersama kami saat itupun sontak tertawa dan berkata "tuh pinter adiknya."
haha sungguh mulutmu harimaumu.
Sunday, 10 November 2013
No news is a good news
Hi! I know I know! Calm down, people! Hold your horses..geez
You must be asking what the hell am I saying, right?
No news is a good news is a saying in which you prefer not to know any news at all. Wait, what? yes. The reason?
People, now we live in the place where a pedophile uncle happily fucked- literally fucked- his 9 month niece till she died and even if all the evidences had pointed at him clearly, he just didn't want to admit.
I'll ask you one simple question, people. Does this kind of news give you a hope of humanity? OMG what I am thinking right now is that Mars might not that bad after all.
We have been exposed with too many bad news in this world. We might re-consider our decision to live in this horrible country, right? Every time we turn on our tv, scroll down our timeline, or simply read our morning newspaper, bad after bad news are spread all over the places. Corruption, sexual harassment, divorce, some morons whom we call as representatives in government , fights, drugs, and some stupid celebrities' dramas are the things that we keep on knowing, right? Where is the news about our young people that win in some international events?
If you keep thinking that maybe you will be left behind if you don't catch up with the latest news, I guess it is better to be left with that kind of news than to feel in such misery to keep wondering why on earth we should live surrounded by some morons and jerks after reading or watching the news.
Your life, your decision tho'
ps: not keeping up with the latest news doesn't mean that you cover your eyes and ears from what happens in your surrounding after all. Mind the difference :)
You must be asking what the hell am I saying, right?
No news is a good news is a saying in which you prefer not to know any news at all. Wait, what? yes. The reason?
People, now we live in the place where a pedophile uncle happily fucked- literally fucked- his 9 month niece till she died and even if all the evidences had pointed at him clearly, he just didn't want to admit.
I'll ask you one simple question, people. Does this kind of news give you a hope of humanity? OMG what I am thinking right now is that Mars might not that bad after all.
We have been exposed with too many bad news in this world. We might re-consider our decision to live in this horrible country, right? Every time we turn on our tv, scroll down our timeline, or simply read our morning newspaper, bad after bad news are spread all over the places. Corruption, sexual harassment, divorce, some morons whom we call as representatives in government , fights, drugs, and some stupid celebrities' dramas are the things that we keep on knowing, right? Where is the news about our young people that win in some international events?
If you keep thinking that maybe you will be left behind if you don't catch up with the latest news, I guess it is better to be left with that kind of news than to feel in such misery to keep wondering why on earth we should live surrounded by some morons and jerks after reading or watching the news.
Your life, your decision tho'
ps: not keeping up with the latest news doesn't mean that you cover your eyes and ears from what happens in your surrounding after all. Mind the difference :)
Tuesday, 5 November 2013
Wondering why I still wake up in the middle of midnight like this? Me too! I fell like I get the surge of energy wuuwuwu perhaps it's because of the nappy that I took before. Well, since I'm still awake and haven't felt sleepy yet, why don't I post sth here? Ikr I'm a genius.
Let's start it.
This is a story about me being a foolish back then.
Idk what was into me but I suddenly took my BlackBerry this morning and charged it. After it was fully charged, I clicked the BBM icon and scrolled thru names there and opened the history chat one by one. I also clicked the message icon and did the same thing as well. Then I realized sth.
I realized how mean I was (or am).
I mean I pushed the people that probably loved and cared about me away and I just waited for the one who had hurt me to come back. Ikr such a fool!
Now I feel so bad about them. I do really want to apologize for being a diva alike, but Idk how huhu
However, indeed reading old conversations could bring the smile, the tears, and the anger again. It works just like a time machine.Too bad that "time machine" cannot be used to change the past.
well well well, look who regrets everything now? yeay me!
Let's start it.
This is a story about me being a foolish back then.
Idk what was into me but I suddenly took my BlackBerry this morning and charged it. After it was fully charged, I clicked the BBM icon and scrolled thru names there and opened the history chat one by one. I also clicked the message icon and did the same thing as well. Then I realized sth.
I realized how mean I was (or am).
I mean I pushed the people that probably loved and cared about me away and I just waited for the one who had hurt me to come back. Ikr such a fool!
Now I feel so bad about them. I do really want to apologize for being a diva alike, but Idk how huhu
However, indeed reading old conversations could bring the smile, the tears, and the anger again. It works just like a time machine.Too bad that "time machine" cannot be used to change the past.
well well well, look who regrets everything now? yeay me!
Friday, 1 November 2013
Chocolate and Happiness
Chocolate and Happiness
us forget the famous proverb “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” How if we
make the new one? “A bite of chocolate a day keeps the wrinkle away.” We
definitely need that new proverb. Since a long time ago, chocolate has been
related to bring happiness for those who eat it. When people feel so sad, what
do they eat? Chocolate! What do they feel after they grab and then eat
chocolate? Happy, is not it?
Actually, this phenomenon can be proven
scientifically. Due to some researches done by professionals, chocolate is
proven containing phenethylamine that
can trigger endorphin to be released. Endorphin itself is the hormone produced
by our body when we feel happy. With the help of endorphin, we can feel much
more relax and also control our emotion better. Researchers also said that the
reaction produced after eating chocolate is the same with the feeling we get
when we are in love. Besides that, in 1996 researchers found that chocolate
also contains anandamide that can activate
brain receptor just like weed does. No wonder whenever we eat chocolate, we get
our mood back instantly. However, the chocolates distributed in markets nowadays
contain less chocolate and more sugar which makes the benefits cannot really be
felt. Moreover in America, milk chocolates contain only 10 percents of liquor
chocolate where it should be 30 percents.
Despite the
scientific facts about chocolate and its relation with happiness above, the
other reason why it can bring happiness to people because most of the time, we
are happy after eating chocolate because of the person who gives it to us not
because of the chocolate itself. Mostly it is given by the ones that care and
love us, for example our crush, as a symbol to show love. This makes us happy
because we feel like we are special and adored. However it is just my silly
assumption according to what I have ever felt.
Celebrities with Anxiety Disorders
Celebrities with Anxiety Disorders
Try to type on Google “celebrities with anxiety disorder”
then tell me what you feel after reading some articles given there. Mind
blowing, is not it? Celebrities from Barbra Streisand to Emma Stone are listed
to have various kind of anxiety disorders. Indeed it is really shocking to know
the fact that rich and famous celebrities and other well-known people like them
are struggling so much to deal with their anxiety. We always think that their
lifes are amazingly flawless with fame, money, and luxuries arround them. With
things like that, we assume that they can get anything they want easily.
However do you know that Angelina Jolie suffers from a
great self-insecurity? She
never feels satisfied with herself and what she has achieved. She keeps saying
that she is not pretty enough, she has not been a good actress until now, and
she has not given real contribution to society. In fact, she has accomplished
all of the things above. Rumor said that it is because of the tight competition
in Hollywood which makes her to be like that. Also do you know that David
Beckham, the very famous and highly respected English footballer, has sort of
OCD to insist on things have to be in even numbers? When he finds out that
things that he has are not in order that he wants, he will throw or add things to
make sure that they are in even numbers. By the way, who knows that Hugh Laurie
actually suffered from a mild depression while filming “House”? It went the
same too to Heath Ledger who could not detach from his role as Joker in “The
Dark Knight” the second film in Christopher
Nolan's Batman trilogy.
It made him suffered from several depressions before he decided to commit
suicide due to alcohol and drug reason. They are just a few examples of
celebrities who deal with anxiety.
However, quoted from, there is something we can learn from those
celebrities. They are not shamed to tell their “problems” to others so that
they can seek for help to control their anxiety disorders. People with anxiety
sometimes get shamed, become introvert, and refuse to tell their problems to
their close ones or to the experts. It could be dangerous because even a light
depression can lead you to do stupid thing, such as committing suicide.
Taking Chance
Taking Chance
Who says that movie should
have conflict in it? Taking chance will show you how a simple and flat movie
could bring you into tears. This movie tells a story of a marine named Lt. Colonel Michael Strobl who escorted the body of marine
name PFC Chance Phelps that died in the Iraq war. This movie starred by Kevin
Beacon, the one who has played in many outstanding movies, such as a few good man, x-man, footloose, and
many more. This movie was premiered on HBO on February 21st, 2009 after it was
selected to be shown at the 2009 Sundance Film Festival.
It tells a story of Colonel Strobl, a behind the
desk-type of marine that never participated in any wars. One day, he took an offer
to escort the dead body of PFC Chance Phelps to his hometown. He said yes to
that offer because PFC Phelps came from the same hometown as he did while in
fact he did it because he felt guilty to see many marines who died in wars
while he was living in comfortable life with his family. After he discussed
this offer with his wife, he then went to Dover Port Mortuary to get some
instructions before doing his duty. One of the most important instructions was
that he had to bring PFC Phelps’ personal stuffs with him no matter what. Off
he went to the airport to escort Phelps’ body. Along with the road, Americans
gave many salutes to the fallen marine, PFC Chance Phelps, in many ways. For
example, a flight attendant gave Colonel Strobl a crucifix, later on he
realized that it was not meant for him, it was given by her to honor Phelps.
These small yet touching scenes are the reasons why viewers get so emotionally
attached with this movie.
Through this movie, we are shown how Americans do
really salute their heroes no matter who they were. It is really touching to
see another side of Americans that we have never seen before. Most of the time
we are only shown how individualistic Americans are, how apathetic they are,
and how careless they are to their surrounding, but this movie does the
opposite of it. We can see soft-hearted Americans who united together as a
nation to grieve the fallen body of PFC Phelps, even they did not know him
personally, but they knew that this guy had made USA proud.
Hi fellas, been a long time since the last time I posted something here. Lately I'm being busy with my college stuffs. Mid-term is the most challenging one. However, I'll try to keep making update here. Now I'll post three writings of mine. Well they are not really fresh from the oven because they were my college assignments actually hehehehe. Hope you guys like it :D
ps: Happy Halloween! Boo!!!!
ps: Happy Halloween! Boo!!!!
Sunday, 8 September 2013
fine/bad, who cares?
Once, being a fine human being is what most people pursue for the rest of his life, but it doesn't work anymore now. You simply cannot define the word "fine" anymore since the understanding of the word "fine" itself has been blurred along with the time. Judging those who smoke and drink beer as the bad ones, and longing for the good acted as the ones who solemnly follow what society ask them for is not accepted any longer. The question now is what makes those "bad" people consciously choose to be counted as the bad ones even they've fully realized the risks for being brutally judged by society? The other question is what makes us-society- think it's okay to accept them (the bad ones) and battle with ourselves to say that on on the other side you think their bravery to break the rules is cool enough tho?
What if I say that the norm which is used now is not about whether you are good or bad, but it's more about whether you can play along with the hideous confusing society tricks or not. If you have the ace card, then you're free to go and have fun with your rules, but if you are trapped in your little ego cage, then congratulation dude you're not going anywhere. You say you're with the anti-naive group, hahaha but sorry buddy I have to say that you're the most naive person I've ever met.
First thing is you have to seek the ace card for your own safe first then you can play the society with your thousand rules.
Have fun playing or being played. That's what most people called as the hardest game to be played ever, yeah life........ :)
What if I say that the norm which is used now is not about whether you are good or bad, but it's more about whether you can play along with the hideous confusing society tricks or not. If you have the ace card, then you're free to go and have fun with your rules, but if you are trapped in your little ego cage, then congratulation dude you're not going anywhere. You say you're with the anti-naive group, hahaha but sorry buddy I have to say that you're the most naive person I've ever met.
First thing is you have to seek the ace card for your own safe first then you can play the society with your thousand rules.
Have fun playing or being played. That's what most people called as the hardest game to be played ever, yeah life........ :)
Thursday, 5 September 2013
The way I remember you (Cory)
Here's a video of Finn's solos from the very first until the last episodes of Glee4.
You'll surely be missed big guy! Glee5&6 need you so bad, finish it happily Cory!!! fufufu :(
You'll surely be missed big guy! Glee5&6 need you so bad, finish it happily Cory!!! fufufu :(
Monday, 26 August 2013
just don't
Hello :) so today official has been the shittiest day ever. OhmyGod! :( Not trying to curse on specific day or whatsoever, I was just being in the bad mood today.
It all started when I went to my high school to have a talk w/ one of teacher there about my college event, and there I just realized how you directly have different perspective about them when you are no longer students there (you might not know my point but I don't have any intention to deliberate it either) the point is, I almost ended up crying when I returned from there.
When I came home, I swore I've never been that mad to my mom just because she forgot to give me the key. I don't know what was into me until I didn't say salam at the end of our conversation on phone with her. So sorry mom
Then my day continued as I did my duty to promote my campus event that I've mentioned before. You have no idea how terrified I was to ride motorcycle for the first time in that kind of location - totally horrifying! hate the fact too that I got "tanning" unintentionally.
My day got worse when I decided to sleep after Maghrib pray, when I awoke, there are many messages left on my phone. HAAAA could my day be worse than that? OF COURSE IT COULD!
My PA sent message through my siak and he said I have to give strong and reasonable reasons why I take credits more than the limit. Besides that, he also questioned the external subjects that I'm going to take this semester. TOTALLY INTENSE.
Then for one reason, I was trying to search one location in google map and voila! is it the map that confusing or is it just me being confused to read the map? huft the perfect title is me vs. map!
As I've been screwed up now, I opened twitter and saw such a-whatsoever-conversations. huft totally up to you, bro!
Sorry for all those complaints, despite those things, I admit I'm wrong to put the blame on others while in fact the problem is totally me, but please don't lecture me now. I'm just not in the mood :/
It all started when I went to my high school to have a talk w/ one of teacher there about my college event, and there I just realized how you directly have different perspective about them when you are no longer students there (you might not know my point but I don't have any intention to deliberate it either) the point is, I almost ended up crying when I returned from there.
When I came home, I swore I've never been that mad to my mom just because she forgot to give me the key. I don't know what was into me until I didn't say salam at the end of our conversation on phone with her. So sorry mom
Then my day continued as I did my duty to promote my campus event that I've mentioned before. You have no idea how terrified I was to ride motorcycle for the first time in that kind of location - totally horrifying! hate the fact too that I got "tanning" unintentionally.
My day got worse when I decided to sleep after Maghrib pray, when I awoke, there are many messages left on my phone. HAAAA could my day be worse than that? OF COURSE IT COULD!
My PA sent message through my siak and he said I have to give strong and reasonable reasons why I take credits more than the limit. Besides that, he also questioned the external subjects that I'm going to take this semester. TOTALLY INTENSE.
Then for one reason, I was trying to search one location in google map and voila! is it the map that confusing or is it just me being confused to read the map? huft the perfect title is me vs. map!
As I've been screwed up now, I opened twitter and saw such a-whatsoever-conversations. huft totally up to you, bro!
Sorry for all those complaints, despite those things, I admit I'm wrong to put the blame on others while in fact the problem is totally me, but please don't lecture me now. I'm just not in the mood :/
Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Cinta 2 Hati - review
Jadi gini, tadi gue abis nonton film "Cinta 2 Hati" di YouTube wkwkwk ga ngerti juga kenapa nonton itu :/ k deh. terus udah tuh nonton, gue baca komen-komen di comment box nya. kebanyakan pada muji gitu kek "ah gila sedih banget" gitu gitu deh. Gue akhirnya mengekspektasikan diri gue buat nangis pas di akhir film nya.
-Nonton lah gue akhirnya-
Selesai gue nonton, gue malah ketawa-ketawa sendiri wakkakakakakakakak ini film lucu banget :'''') nunjukkin banget cewe labil nya tingkat dewa, terus mau kek gimanapun labilnya cewek, tetep aja ya cowo nya yang salah. GIRLSSSSS puhlissss
Jadi gini ceritanya, ada penyanyi yang lagi top banget namanya Alfa (diperankan oleh Afgan), nah si Alfa ini udah punya pacar, mahasiswi biasa namanya Laras (Tika Putri). Lalu ada si fans manja nan egois bernama Jane (Olivia Jensen) yang mengidap kanker, Jane ini cucunya Pak Bakti orang tajir. Jane udah ga punya orang tua lagi. jadi dia manja dan egois nya ampun-ampunaaaaan dah ampe bikin dongkol si Alfa yang diikutin mulu, bahkan sampe apartement nya bro. Awalnya si Alfa kesel diikutin muluk, si Jane freak banget gitu deh udah stalker, posesif, manja, cengeng pula huft hidup lo Jane ganggu bener. Nah suatu ketika si Laras tau lah tentang si Jane ini gegara pas si Laras ke tempatnya Alfa buat ngambil flash disk yang ketinggalan di mobil Alfa, dia ngeliat Jane ada di apartement nya si Alfa pagi-pagi buta ibuuuuuuuuuuu dituluuungin coba. Berantem lah si Laras-Alfa ini (Wajar lah!) Nah terus si Alfa akhirnya minta si Jane buat jelasin semuansya ke si Laras. Akhirnya si Jane ngelakuin itu, dia jelasin ke Laras tp sumpah NYOLOTNYA ditahan coba ibuuuuu yah. Dia bahkan minta buat sharing si Alfa bareng dia, helah Jane -_- Si laras ngamuk lah, tadinya kalem, eh giliran marah kek ketua geng gaul di SMA kalo lg ngelabrak. Pas abis dimarahin, si Jane pingsan, dan dibawalah dia ke RS sama si Laras. Disitulah si Laras tau kalo Jane sekarat. Akhirnya Laras nyuruh Alfa buat deket sama Jane dan kasih perhatian ke Jane. Tapi Alfa nolak lah secara dia sukanya cuma sama Laras doang, tp Laras tetep maksa dan malah marah kalo si Alfa gamau nemenin Jane. Opa nya si Jane (Deddy Mizwar) juga minta Alfa buat deket sama Jane -Alfa disogok pake apapun yg dia mau- tp Alfa nolak karena dia emang ga suka. PFFFT Akhirnya si Alfa mau juga nemenin dan deket sama Jane (Demi Laras doang) dan lama-lama dia barengnya sama Jane mulu dan dia mulai suka sama Jane. Pas tau kalo Alfa mulai suka sama Jane, si Laras MARAH coba, gue udah ga faham lagi. Lagian Kucing dikasih ikan seger kek gitu, siapa yang ga mau. Bodoh juga kamu Laras :)) bla bla bla si Jane udah parah penyakitnya. Dioperasilah dia, pada berdoa kan tuh, si Opa nya yg tadinya jauh dari Allah, akhirnya shalat dan berdoa mohon kesembuhan buat cucu nya. Nah si Alfa pergi dari rumah sakit karena harus tampil -well show must go on- Nah pas lagi perform, dia nyanyi Cinta 2 Hati dan honestly menyentuh sekaleeee eheum.
Si Laras yang nungguin di RS, nangis gegara dia bingung mau doain apa buat Jane. GUE SUKA SIH ADEGAN INI, BAGUS. Masalahnya kalo dia doain Jane sembuh, nanti Jane malah ngerebut Alfa dari dia. Tapi Laras juga ga tega doain jahat buat Jane, dia juga mau Jane sembuh. Disinilah tingkat setan dalam diri lo diuji, well kita pasti sering ada di posisi kaya gini kan? Nah dia nangis gitu tiba-tiba ketemu ibunya Alfa, akhirnya ibunya nasihatin intinya doa yang baik bakal balik jadi baik juga buat kita sendiri. Subhanallah ibu peri o:)
-singkat cerita-
Jane sembuh! Alfa akhirnya bilang kalo dia jatuh cinta sama Jane dan ini beneran (bukan demi Laras). Laras ngeliat pas Alfa bilang gitu ke Jane, dan entah kenapa dia nangis ngambek keluar. Alfa coba ngejar Laras dan nanya bingung kenapa dia malah jadi marah padahal awalnya dia yang nyuruh Alfa buat deket sama Jane. Lo tau apa yang jadi jawaban si Laras? Gini "Aku ga minta kamu buat jatuh cinta, kan?" -TERDIAM-
Jane mengadakan syukuran gitu di rumahnya, nah dia bilang ke Alfa&Laras dia mau pergi ke UK, dan dia ga sabar buat nunggu Alfa&Laras menikah.
-Di Bandara-
Jane ga ikhlas keknya pergi ke UK (padahal naik Pesawat Pribadi looh), ngelama-lamain naik ke pesawat, eh datenglah si Alfa&Laras. Jane turun dulu tuh akhirnya bilang makasih lah bla bla bla, dan terakhirnya dia meluk Alfa gitu dan bilang makasih buat ngasih cinta ke dia walaupun cuma bentar. Si Alfa bilang, selamanya Jane selamanya. Well ngambek lg tuh si Laras wkwkwkwkwkw.
-Udah deh si Jane pergi dan pada akhirnya Alfa tetep sama Laras-
doa yang baik akan kembali baik lagi buat kita.
Yak apa yang bisa anda simpulkan? sama ga kaya kesimpulan gue? wahahha cewe ga jelas banget, labil pffft ga mau salah pula. K deh, untung gue cewe juga, ga perlu ribet nanggepin kelabilan ini, malah justru gue yg membuatnya. HUAHAHAHA
ps: gue jadi sedikit terkesima sama Afgan di film ini :)) kayanya karma gara-gara ngatain Lantika muluk.
Monday, 1 July 2013
Bitter Sweet to be A literature student
Hello All :) How's your day? terrific? not that good? Well actually I'm not in the mood too this night because after reading my friend's tweets about how much she hates someone for judging her major (in a bad way), I just realize that being literature student has never been so easy for me.
So, tonight I wanna talk about my 1 year experience to be a literature student....
here's what I feel(lt) during one year of my study.
Of course so many disrespect thoughts coming from people from different majors :') I do know and realize it. People (especially in our country) haven't fully respected us (the literature student). People just look up for those who study about engine, medicine, economy, etc. People haven't noticed how much struggle and effort I put to study the subjects on my major. They don't know that learning linguistics is as hard as learning human body parts, and understanding literature is as fuckin hard as balancing the accounts. Just respect each other guys, indeed we learn different things, but we all have something in common, we pursue our dreams with our own ways :""")
Then there's the most frequent question people ask to me which is "What are you gonna be next by taking literature?" Well actually it's not a difficult question to be answered, but mostly people say it in a sarcastic way. That way of saying does hurt me a lot. I almost have no ability to answer that question, I just wanna prove to them all when I have been success enough later on. Screw y'all :)
I do really want to write longer than this, but I'm too emotional right now. I cannot hold my tears from running upon my cheeks. This writing is the one which I want to write from a long long time ago. I wanna show y'all how sadistic people can be through the judgmental ideas they plant into society mind set toward the literature students.
I promise I will continue my writing later.....
because this business hasn't been finished yet :")
So, tonight I wanna talk about my 1 year experience to be a literature student....
here's what I feel(lt) during one year of my study.
Of course so many disrespect thoughts coming from people from different majors :') I do know and realize it. People (especially in our country) haven't fully respected us (the literature student). People just look up for those who study about engine, medicine, economy, etc. People haven't noticed how much struggle and effort I put to study the subjects on my major. They don't know that learning linguistics is as hard as learning human body parts, and understanding literature is as fuckin hard as balancing the accounts. Just respect each other guys, indeed we learn different things, but we all have something in common, we pursue our dreams with our own ways :""")
Then there's the most frequent question people ask to me which is "What are you gonna be next by taking literature?" Well actually it's not a difficult question to be answered, but mostly people say it in a sarcastic way. That way of saying does hurt me a lot. I almost have no ability to answer that question, I just wanna prove to them all when I have been success enough later on. Screw y'all :)
I do really want to write longer than this, but I'm too emotional right now. I cannot hold my tears from running upon my cheeks. This writing is the one which I want to write from a long long time ago. I wanna show y'all how sadistic people can be through the judgmental ideas they plant into society mind set toward the literature students.
I promise I will continue my writing later.....
because this business hasn't been finished yet :")
Thursday, 6 June 2013
#NewBaby #ComingVerySoon
Whatttt? New Baby? What? Are you losing your mind? HAHAHAHA easy buddy, easy!
Well actually I came up with an idea to make another blog which reviews the movies I've watched. This idea came after I counted the number movies I have in my laptop-115 movies-not counted the deleted ones. So, wait for the upcoming of my #NewBaby because it is #ComingVerySoon !
ciaou amigos!
Well actually I came up with an idea to make another blog which reviews the movies I've watched. This idea came after I counted the number movies I have in my laptop-115 movies-not counted the deleted ones. So, wait for the upcoming of my #NewBaby because it is #ComingVerySoon !
ciaou amigos!
Thursday, 30 May 2013
Another side of me you haven't known
Why can't I be mad at people whenever I feel so much upset? I just
can't speak out my anger. I'll end up simply let it explode inside my
head or the best way, cry!-yeah such a baby- I don't know, I'm too scared for
breaking others' heart. I don't wanna hurt them just because the words
which will come unexpectedly through my anger. Yes, sometimes I say a lot of
offensive things to people, but it's just for fun, just a joke, and it is not
because I meant to. But it's different when thing gets me crazy. I'll be
so careful to pick words after words to be said at that kind of circumstance.
However, I feel like I hurt myself for saving others' feeling. Is it the right thing to do? I still can't figure it out.
I'm losing words already, Idk I feel it too sensitive for me. Typing some words somehow reduce the anger which is accumulated inside.
The worst part is, I always end up forgiving others who hurt me even if apologize doesn't exist. I wanna for once can be mad at people, scold at them, shout, groan, yell whatever it is, but the sad thing is I can't. Maybe I'm too weak? or maybe I'm simply a powerless person?
ps: I produce this desperate writing in the middle of doing my prose assignment. Yes yes I know I should've done it first, but blogging seems more interesting for meeeeh. Oh ya, don't be so bias btw, I'm not in a -galau-mood right now. I just want to type it out
However, I feel like I hurt myself for saving others' feeling. Is it the right thing to do? I still can't figure it out.
I'm losing words already, Idk I feel it too sensitive for me. Typing some words somehow reduce the anger which is accumulated inside.
The worst part is, I always end up forgiving others who hurt me even if apologize doesn't exist. I wanna for once can be mad at people, scold at them, shout, groan, yell whatever it is, but the sad thing is I can't. Maybe I'm too weak? or maybe I'm simply a powerless person?
ps: I produce this desperate writing in the middle of doing my prose assignment. Yes yes I know I should've done it first, but blogging seems more interesting for meeeeh. Oh ya, don't be so bias btw, I'm not in a -galau-mood right now. I just want to type it out
Wednesday, 29 May 2013
We all have that one friend by Tatcher Joe
That video above pretty much tells all the stereotypes of friends :""") Why on earth you could be that handsome, Tatcher? #ilangfokus
Saturday, 25 May 2013
Happy Birthday Chika!
So, today is the happiest day for one of my fellow; Chika! Many Happy Return :-) wohoooo
Instead of making video or Photo Collages, I'd like to write something for her in her special day.
The first time I met her, I thought she was calm or sorta thing like that, but then my guess was absolutely wrong. But then today I don't want to talk about how we can be sorta friend like now. I just wanna describe her in details .
Chika is one of my kost-mates, she is actually the first person that I met when I first moved to my kost-place. As what I've mentioned before, at first I thought she was calm, but then she gave me a fake impression actually. Luckily I'm good enough to accept her to be my friend nyahahaha. Let me tell you some of the things that she loves; Glee, Indomie, "the reason" by Hoobastank UHUK, Liliana Natsir, Daughtry, New Girl (-_-), wearing cotton shirt to campus everyday, playing criminal case, and what else ya?kinda forget hahaha. Okay let's move on to things she hates; Fish, washing dishes, Korean stuffs
, her Ex nyahahahahaha, what else? girlie stuffs ( I mean like chiffon outwear), people(?)- nyah just kidding, just some types of people that she hates-
After telling things she loves and hates, now here's the list of things that I like and quite dislike about her:
She's very easygoing
She's a typical of friend that you want to talk to
She's honest
She's brave to stand for the right things
She's natural
She sometimes gives good advices
She loves to tell us her tragic love story (which is funny somehow)
She loves to download glee videos (so I just have to watch it from her)
She is she
She can ride motorcycle too
She's a-very-moody-person
She's so grumpy
She's cranky
She's quite bossy sometimes
She's chatter
Despite all the goods and bads from her, we cannot ignore the truth that somehow God has His own plan to create her 18 years ago. Bad luck for us who accidentally have to meet her in our life HAHAHA JK. SO, Once again Happy Birthday Rizka Lenggogini who has thousands followers on Twitter. May the odd be ever in your favor! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Buon compleanno! feliz aniversário! joyeux anniversaire! gelukkige verjaardag! Met Ultah ea qaqa! Barakallahu Fi Umrik Ukhti - these all happy birthday versions are taken from google translate-
yummi chantixxxxxxxxxxxx
Instead of making video or Photo Collages, I'd like to write something for her in her special day.
The first time I met her, I thought she was calm or sorta thing like that, but then my guess was absolutely wrong. But then today I don't want to talk about how we can be sorta friend like now. I just wanna describe her in details .
Chika is one of my kost-mates, she is actually the first person that I met when I first moved to my kost-place. As what I've mentioned before, at first I thought she was calm, but then she gave me a fake impression actually. Luckily I'm good enough to accept her to be my friend nyahahaha. Let me tell you some of the things that she loves; Glee, Indomie, "the reason" by Hoobastank UHUK, Liliana Natsir, Daughtry, New Girl (-_-), wearing cotton shirt to campus everyday, playing criminal case, and what else ya?kinda forget hahaha. Okay let's move on to things she hates; Fish, washing dishes, Korean stuffs
, her Ex nyahahahahaha, what else? girlie stuffs ( I mean like chiffon outwear), people(?)- nyah just kidding, just some types of people that she hates-
After telling things she loves and hates, now here's the list of things that I like and quite dislike about her:
She's very easygoing
She's a typical of friend that you want to talk to
She's honest
She's brave to stand for the right things
She's natural
She sometimes gives good advices
She loves to tell us her tragic love story (which is funny somehow)
She loves to download glee videos (so I just have to watch it from her)
She is she
She can ride motorcycle too
She's a-very-moody-person
She's so grumpy
She's cranky
She's quite bossy sometimes
She's chatter
Despite all the goods and bads from her, we cannot ignore the truth that somehow God has His own plan to create her 18 years ago. Bad luck for us who accidentally have to meet her in our life HAHAHA JK. SO, Once again Happy Birthday Rizka Lenggogini who has thousands followers on Twitter. May the odd be ever in your favor! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Buon compleanno! feliz aniversário! joyeux anniversaire! gelukkige verjaardag! Met Ultah ea qaqa! Barakallahu Fi Umrik Ukhti - these all happy birthday versions are taken from google translate-
yummi chantixxxxxxxxxxxx
Saturday, 18 May 2013
Say hello to cranky me
Recently when I participated in blood donor event, I've just known that my blood type is A+. It's actually quite confusing because my mom always says to me that my blood type is O+. HOAAAAH then I texted my mom asap after I was participating at that event and told this whole unexpected things. My mom was confused also since she felt so sure that mine is O+ (it is told by the hospital which I was born in).
BLA BLA BLA BLA about that blood donor event
SO I officially belong to the A+ GROUP! HOLA AMIGOS!
Then since I am so curious about "MY NEW BLOOD TYPE", I search some articles about that. The articles which mainly showed up are about the correlation between blood types and personalities. Have you ever felt curious about it? If it's a no then you're not my friends any longer. JK
After doing some researches, I found some true facts about my personalities according to my blood type, but I also found some so-not-true facts!
1. People with A blood type tend to feel stress easily
definitely agree! I am easily stressed by things which go wrong from the plan I've made.
2. People with A blood type are perfectionists
couldn't agree more! It explains the first fact actually.
3. People with A blood type are rigid
HA-HA shame on me! But then once again, it is true! I hate those who break the rules which have been made.
4. People with A blood type are sensitive
HA-HA yes yes yes yes. Next fact please!
5. People with A blood type cannot easily adapt with fast changing
I can explain it, according to me, I think people like me cannot adapt well with new and fast changing because we have to plan all things first then do that.Maybe that's the reason why others and I cannot easily adapt with it.
6. People with A blood type have strong characteristics
Sorry to say, but yes please.
7. People with A blood type are stubborn
HAHAHAHA Just don't argue with us then :p you know it already.
8. People with A blood type are introvert
Those who probably haven't known me for a long time might think that I'm an extrovert one, but you guess it wrong, buddy. I can hide all the secrets by myself without anyone knows about them.
9. People with A blood type tend to be cranky
HELLO OLD-NEW ME! I always be cranky all the time since I don't remember when. Deal with it, fellas!
1. People with A blood type are shy
NAHAHAHAH CMON! Make me laugh! I'm so flattered by this one. It's impossible to make me shut my mouth actually.
2. People with A blood type are patient
I hate patient-thingy and stuffs. I cannot wait for anything (except......)
3. People with A blood type are untalkative
YES please try to sit next to me for 10 minutes, tell me how it feels like then ;)
4. People with A blood type tend to remain calm in any panic stiuations
DUDE PLEASE, SERIOUSLY? I've felt so panic once when I couldn't find my pen in my bag.
Despite the proven facts (according to me), I think it might be queer for people to recognize me as one of the A blood type members. Because the unproven ones are not-so-me in any levels. ckckck
At the end of the day, it's not your blood type which determines who you are and what to do, it's you yourself who have to shape the best version of your personalities :)
"Don't let others define who you are, you are not what society expect you to be, but you are the one whom society have to accept no matter what" - YZS
Buenas noches, amigos :)
BLA BLA BLA BLA about that blood donor event
SO I officially belong to the A+ GROUP! HOLA AMIGOS!
Then since I am so curious about "MY NEW BLOOD TYPE", I search some articles about that. The articles which mainly showed up are about the correlation between blood types and personalities. Have you ever felt curious about it? If it's a no then you're not my friends any longer. JK
After doing some researches, I found some true facts about my personalities according to my blood type, but I also found some so-not-true facts!
1. People with A blood type tend to feel stress easily
definitely agree! I am easily stressed by things which go wrong from the plan I've made.
2. People with A blood type are perfectionists
couldn't agree more! It explains the first fact actually.
3. People with A blood type are rigid
HA-HA shame on me! But then once again, it is true! I hate those who break the rules which have been made.
4. People with A blood type are sensitive
HA-HA yes yes yes yes. Next fact please!
5. People with A blood type cannot easily adapt with fast changing
I can explain it, according to me, I think people like me cannot adapt well with new and fast changing because we have to plan all things first then do that.Maybe that's the reason why others and I cannot easily adapt with it.
6. People with A blood type have strong characteristics
Sorry to say, but yes please.
7. People with A blood type are stubborn
HAHAHAHA Just don't argue with us then :p you know it already.
8. People with A blood type are introvert
Those who probably haven't known me for a long time might think that I'm an extrovert one, but you guess it wrong, buddy. I can hide all the secrets by myself without anyone knows about them.
9. People with A blood type tend to be cranky
HELLO OLD-NEW ME! I always be cranky all the time since I don't remember when. Deal with it, fellas!
1. People with A blood type are shy
NAHAHAHAH CMON! Make me laugh! I'm so flattered by this one. It's impossible to make me shut my mouth actually.
2. People with A blood type are patient
I hate patient-thingy and stuffs. I cannot wait for anything (except......)
3. People with A blood type are untalkative
YES please try to sit next to me for 10 minutes, tell me how it feels like then ;)
4. People with A blood type tend to remain calm in any panic stiuations
DUDE PLEASE, SERIOUSLY? I've felt so panic once when I couldn't find my pen in my bag.
Despite the proven facts (according to me), I think it might be queer for people to recognize me as one of the A blood type members. Because the unproven ones are not-so-me in any levels. ckckck
At the end of the day, it's not your blood type which determines who you are and what to do, it's you yourself who have to shape the best version of your personalities :)
"Don't let others define who you are, you are not what society expect you to be, but you are the one whom society have to accept no matter what" - YZS
Buenas noches, amigos :)
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