Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Friday, 7 December 2012

College life + MPKT-A

Hi there, probably it is the longest break since the last time I posted something in this blog. Okay so what should I write right now? Kinda confuse actually. It's sort of a writer's block :| Oh btw I'm gonna have Final Tests this month ergh Godspeed! But the longer I study, Idk I just feel lazier than ever to go to campus. College life is so much worse than high school. The freedom which is given to us makes me careless about everything in my surrounding. No wonder why so many seniors of mine feel so lazy to enter classes. I love the fact that I am given with so much freedom in college, but I hate the fact that the're no tight rules to control that freedom. Ei, I just realize that I talk a lot about how I hate college through my posts. But, actually college life isn't that bad after all. It's just bad. That's it. 
Btw, today is the last day of MPKT-A class. It's a mix feeling :) :( I love today because finally MPKT-A was over, but I hate today because I know that I'm not gonna meet in the same class anymore with my MPKT-A friends :"""( They've been so nice to me. We've been through many things together hahaha (okay it's so exaggerated) The point is, MPKT-A class 12 already gave me so many memories whether they're good or bad memories, they are memories that will last forever *cheers*
You wanna know the people in it? Let's check some photos of us :D


I'm going to miss them a lot :') Hope we're gonna get A for this subject.


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