Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Love your other half

Hi...I just arrived a few minutes ago after watched another movie hahaha. Yes I watched movie 2 days in a road. For this time, I watched "Habibie&Ainun" the movie. The movie was directed based on a novel with the same tittle with it. The novel itself is a biography of Mr.Habibie (ex-president of Indonesia). It's a very heart-breaking movie. I can't hold my tears from running upon my cheeks. The quality of the characters' acting is worth to be saluted. Their acting brings you into another dimension, they bring you to the real time when everything was happened toward Mr.Habibie and Mrs.Ainun.

“Saya dilahirkan untuk Ainun dan Ainun dilahirkan untuk saya”

What I'm gonna talk about this time is about true love. Ya this movie is trying to tell the audiences about the true love that lasting that long between Mr.Habibie and Mrs.Ainun. They construct their love in the middle of all barriers that came to them. Through any obstacles that they have to against, they still can manage their temper well and be there and give strength to each other. It's quite touching because in this era, there's just a few couples who can let go their ego when problems say hello to them.
So, after watched the movie, the first thing that came up to my mind is "who will be my Habibie?" "Who will take care of me in my old days? Whom I will take care of in his old days?" Those kind of questions running through my mind repeatedly. This movie teaches us a lot about how two people can be united as one in the name of love hahahaha (sorry for laughing). Yes it's quite taboo for a person like me to talk about love itself. But watching this movie could change everything. Make you questioning yourself whether you're going to be a good Ainun for your Habibie or not?
The point is, it's a well-recommended movie to be watched. For you whom already have no hope for Indonesian movie, you'd better watch it! you'd better see how Indonesian movie actually has its bright side, not just its dark side :p

I think that's all that I wanna share today. I'm too tired right now, my bed is calling, my pillow is singing a sweet lullaby to me, and my blanket is laying there with its warmest hug just for me myself and I.


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