Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Thursday, 13 December 2012

The Harries Twin

Hi there! Actually this week is a Final test week. But today I'm free because there's no class *yeay* So I decided to write something in here. Nah the question is, what am I suppose to write now? Then suddenly I come up with a very brilliant idea. I'm gonna write about Jack an Finn the twin :D I love Jack more than I love Finn :p (sorry Finn).

Okay I'm gonna start with a basic introduction. 
 Jack Harries (well-known as JacksGap)

 is my future cheeky husband. He's a 19 years old British random guy whom I see in YouTube. I love his idea to post his activities during his gap year for his fams and friends. But then, his idea turns out to be loved by many YouTube viewers because OMG he's soooo adorable. I found his channel for the first time when I try to practice listening British accent. So, I just type "British accent" then after some random results, I finally found Jack's video. The first video of Jack that I watched is "British slang" ,the video was taken by Jack together with his adorable twin, Finn Harries and other YouTuber, Tyler Oakley. After finished watching the video, Bang!! I love Jack directly! Marry me Jack please, I love your sweet adorable face, I love your accent, I love your smile, and many other things which I love from you :D akakakka okay it sounds really creepy though. After watching that video, I directly search for other crazed video from him. I can't control my fingers to stop clicking his videos again and again. I'm so overexposed by his charm. Jack is studying theater in Bristol University. 

Now, let's move to Finn :D 

He's Jack's twin who was born two minutes earlier than Jack. So, he's Jack older twin. But Jack tends to call him his slave hahaha why? Just watch this "My favorite"
There are so many names that given to Finn; FinnTheBetterTwin, FinnTheUnverifiedTwin, and many others hahahha. He's so much alike with Jack (you don't say). But Finn is a bit calmer than Jack. For those who prefer with cool guys, you definitely will choose Finn  over Jack. Finn is studying in Leed University, he's taking a graphic design major there. I love Finn too but I love Jack much more than I love him :D


I think that's all from me to tell you about that fallen-from heaven-twin
 Here are some photos of them that I will share to you. Fasten your seat belt! It's gonna be a shaking adventure to see their pictures 

How can you hate that adorable faces? <3


Finn (red) & Jack (blue)

xoxo Yummi

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