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Monday, 17 December 2012

Doomsday Preppers

                21-12-2012 maybe is the most talked issue nowadays. According to the Mayan’s calendar, the doomsday is going to happen in 21-12-2012. For me, it doesn’t make any sense because according to my belief, there’s no one in this world that knows when the doomsday will happen. But, out there, so many people trust this issue and feel insecure about it so they start to prepare a lot of things to face the doomsday. This is what called as “doomsday preppers”.

                “Doomsday preppers” actually is an American TV show which is aired in National Geographic channel which shows the preparation of some survivalists (preppers) to face the upcoming doomsday. They prepare themselves for various things that might happen to all of them when the world comes to the end. There are prepers who concern about the killer pandemic that might attack them, those who concern about the natural disaster, or those who prepare for the upcoming world war, and many other things. This TV show infects many American people to be a prepper as well. They are turning spare rooms into long-term food storage pantries, they are planting survival gardens, they are taking self-defense courses, and many other overwhelmed things. Besides preparing things to face the doomsday, those preppers also join some facebook groups or preppers website to discuss about the doomsday and the preparation itself. 

                Some people, including me, think that it is so exaggerated for people to be a prepper. Because when the world ends, nothing can save you from being part of it. Besides that, no one can make sure the validity of the Mayan’s prediction about 21-12-2012. This doomsday issue creates a very great panic toward people all around the world. That panicky makes people do things which absolutely out of mind. But, those preppers have their own reason why they have to do that things and it seems like they take it seriously. One thing for sure, we all agree that there is a time when the world comes to the end, but whether it will happen at 21-12-2012 or not, there’s no one who knows about it. Let’s see together!

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