Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Tuesday, 25 December 2012

Love your other half

Hi...I just arrived a few minutes ago after watched another movie hahaha. Yes I watched movie 2 days in a road. For this time, I watched "Habibie&Ainun" the movie. The movie was directed based on a novel with the same tittle with it. The novel itself is a biography of Mr.Habibie (ex-president of Indonesia). It's a very heart-breaking movie. I can't hold my tears from running upon my cheeks. The quality of the characters' acting is worth to be saluted. Their acting brings you into another dimension, they bring you to the real time when everything was happened toward Mr.Habibie and Mrs.Ainun.

“Saya dilahirkan untuk Ainun dan Ainun dilahirkan untuk saya”

What I'm gonna talk about this time is about true love. Ya this movie is trying to tell the audiences about the true love that lasting that long between Mr.Habibie and Mrs.Ainun. They construct their love in the middle of all barriers that came to them. Through any obstacles that they have to against, they still can manage their temper well and be there and give strength to each other. It's quite touching because in this era, there's just a few couples who can let go their ego when problems say hello to them.
So, after watched the movie, the first thing that came up to my mind is "who will be my Habibie?" "Who will take care of me in my old days? Whom I will take care of in his old days?" Those kind of questions running through my mind repeatedly. This movie teaches us a lot about how two people can be united as one in the name of love hahahaha (sorry for laughing). Yes it's quite taboo for a person like me to talk about love itself. But watching this movie could change everything. Make you questioning yourself whether you're going to be a good Ainun for your Habibie or not?
The point is, it's a well-recommended movie to be watched. For you whom already have no hope for Indonesian movie, you'd better watch it! you'd better see how Indonesian movie actually has its bright side, not just its dark side :p

I think that's all that I wanna share today. I'm too tired right now, my bed is calling, my pillow is singing a sweet lullaby to me, and my blanket is laying there with its warmest hug just for me myself and I.


Monday, 24 December 2012

When love meets friendship?

Hi.! Actually I just came home couple hours ago after watched "5cm" movie.
At first I wasn't really curious about this movie until so many people talk about this movie everyday and every time. So, I decided to ask my friends to watch it (rifsi&ega) but I ended up watching it with rifsi only because too sad ega couldn't join with us. She decided to watch "Habibie&Ainun" movie instead.
I'm not gonna tell you about the whole story line of that movie. I just wanna share things from this movie that catch my interest. First, I love this movie because it can trigger my love-meter to my beloved country, Indonesia. Second, I wonder what the actors felt when they took this movie because me myself so scare of height, and I couldn't even stand in a cold place because I'm allergic with "cold" weather. So, I just so curious to know their experiences during the shooting itself. Third, I wonder too whether I can be friend with all of my friends that long? I mean seriously, it's just so loooong for them to keep their friendship up until they build their own family.
The last, THE LOVE STORY OF THIS MOVIE! I can't even imagine myself replacing Riani's position. To love your old friend whom already you know so well, and you can't even tell to him that you love him and just wanna be with him. Then suddenly, BAM!! your other friend says that he loves you? Not mention again that at first, Zafran loved Dinda, but then Dinda actually loves Genta instead of Zafran. Isn't it a very complicated love story? But it turns out to be something that is sooooooooooooo cute! aaaaakh yes I've said that I can't imagine myself to be in Riani's position, but somehow I also envy her for being loved by a very cool family man, like Genta, and finally married with your friend whom you love since forever. AKKKKKKKHHHH Riani, I envy you <//3


Okay let's move to other topic, actually I was very happy today because finally I got a chance to meet and hang out with my friends (ega&rifsi) again. As usual, we talked a lot about anything! We talked about our college life, talked about our new friends, talked about our rented room, and many other things. Hours felt like seconds if you share it with your friends <3 Besides talking about our "new life". We also took some pictures together hahaha (so predictable). Here are some photos of us. Enjoy!


Sunday, 23 December 2012

random feeling

Hi! Kinda feel sad at this moment. I feel like I'm the worst daughter ever.
When I opened twitter just a moment ago, I found my friends are talking about the scores that they get for this semester. I'm totally hopeless and feel so much down. I can already predict the result and I know it won't be a good result. I feel like my performance through this semester hasn't been good enough. Actually, it's not just the fuckin annoying score that I worry about. It's all about my parents. I feel like I'm the worst daughter ever because I can't give them the best result. For every rupiahs that they've given to me (directly or not), I can't even give them any pride at all. Ah damn it! Why we all as human beings should be judged by some numbers. I know my parents put their soul in the line, so that I can happily go to university and get some money to be spent. And what the return that they will get from me? Nothing. No No No Nothing.
Maybe it's not a very big problem for some people, but not for me. I'm the one who will feel so much upset with myself for dragging me to the -not the best- place. Yes, since I was a little girl, I always have a big ambition to be the best (at least in the academic way). I wanna (at least) be the best at one point. Because I know I'm so lame in sport and music, etc.That's why I always push myself beyond my limit, but now I didn't have any fire that burning in my soul at all. It's all F-L-A-T!
I need you to guide me, I need you to always remind me, I need you to be here holding and hugging me with your warmest hug, I need you here to give me spirit, I need you here to enlighten my way, I need you here to help me. I need your help...I need you ya Allah :""(

Saturday, 22 December 2012

weird yet amusing vidoes

 a 12 year old girl who can't stop sneezing were partnering with a boy who can't stop saying bless you to the girl hahahahha

 the weirdest laugh ever HAHAHAHHAA. punch yourself if you don't laugh while she's laughing

A cute baby elephant sneezes and scares himself hahahahahaha

HI! hahaha I'm sure you're drowning by your laugh right now! Actually I'm just having my leisure time right now, then I check my twitter as usual, I see @JacksGap is posting a YouTube video on his tweet.

Then I directly open and watch it. After I finished to watch it hahahha I can't even stop laughing anyhow at all. The video shows a girl who can't stop sneezing and a boy who can't stop saying "bless you" together at the same time. hahaha how can it be soooooo hilarious!

So I just dive into another YouTube videos which is as funny as the previous video I've watched. Then I come down with 2 other hilarious vidoes hahah ohmygod they're all so funny! Thanks to YouTube and all the YouTubers who brought so many joys and happiness to me and maybe to everyone else in this earth :D

Ps: Sorry for this weirdo post, I just wanna loose myself sometimes :p have a great time to watch the vidoes


Friday, 21 December 2012


What date is today? Yes 21/12/2012 ! What's so special about that? Nothing, the Mayan just made a prediction long long time ago that the end of civilization will happen today. But so far so good as we all can see. 3 hours to go to 00.00 which means that we're gonna survive from the "doomsday" :) 
 Actually what I wanna share in here isn't about the doomsday issue whatsoever, I just wanna share my experiences today. I don't know but I feel so much blessed and lucky today. 

Up until the afternoon, there's nothing so special happened to me. But then when I prepared myself to go back to Jakarta with Chika (but she'll go back to bekasehh), I feel so much blessed and lucky. Started from when we waited for BiKun a.k.a the yellow bus to arrive, we thought it's gonna take forever to wait for it but several minutes later, bikun arrived, so we just ran to it. When we entered the bus, I thought we won't have a seat. But guess what? the bus wasn't as crowded as it used to. So, we can sit peacefully there.
After we reached the station, we directly go to the locket to buy ticket, and you know what? there was no long line like I've predicted before, we bought the ticket easily without had to stand in a queue. Then, I thought we won't have a seat to wait in the station. But again, I was wrong. We got the seat to wait for the upcoming train to Jakarta. Several minutes later after we waited, the train with Jakarta-Kota destination has arrived :') OH MY GOD it's such a miracle because we didn't have to wait for a long time. So, we just entered the train and saw a very calming view. The train wasn't too crowded (but it wasn't empty as well). Again, we had seat in the train. After we arrived to Manggarai, I think Chika is a little bit worry about the schedule of the train to bekasi. Because since we were still at the rented room, the only thing that she worried about was the train to Bekasi that will arrive at late night. But Alhamdulillah, after we stepped down from the train, Chika directly saw the train to Bekasi was right in front of her. It was a truly miracle to see it. So, she just entered the train and I went to the exit way to see my dad. 

Chika thought the same thing with me

On my way to home, I keep thinking about it and wondering how could it be? It's just like God ease our way to go back to our parents since we haven't seen them for about 3 weeks long. Then I started to think, is it really a luck? were we so blessed today?
But then I just realize, how could I say such a thing? Of course we were blessed today, we always get it everyday, we are blessed everyday by Allah SWT :) We just forget to thank sometimes because we are too busy to ask for Big Things and abandon the beautiful little things in our surrounding..........

I'll leave you with a poem by Sara Teasdale which is "Barter". Have a nice time to read it :) 



Life has loveliness to sell,
All beautiful and splendid things,
Blue waves whitened on a cliff,
Soaring fire that sways and sings,
And children's faces looking up,
Holding wonder like a cup.

Life has loveliness to sell,
Music like the curve of gold,
Scent of pine trees in the rain,
Eyes that love you, arms that hold,
And for your spirit's still delight,
Holy thoughts that star the night.

Spend all you have for loveliness,
Buy it and never count the cost;
For one white singing hour of peace
Count many a year of strife well lost,
And for a breath of ecstasy
Give all you have been, or could be.

Monday, 17 December 2012

Doomsday Preppers

                21-12-2012 maybe is the most talked issue nowadays. According to the Mayan’s calendar, the doomsday is going to happen in 21-12-2012. For me, it doesn’t make any sense because according to my belief, there’s no one in this world that knows when the doomsday will happen. But, out there, so many people trust this issue and feel insecure about it so they start to prepare a lot of things to face the doomsday. This is what called as “doomsday preppers”.

                “Doomsday preppers” actually is an American TV show which is aired in National Geographic channel which shows the preparation of some survivalists (preppers) to face the upcoming doomsday. They prepare themselves for various things that might happen to all of them when the world comes to the end. There are prepers who concern about the killer pandemic that might attack them, those who concern about the natural disaster, or those who prepare for the upcoming world war, and many other things. This TV show infects many American people to be a prepper as well. They are turning spare rooms into long-term food storage pantries, they are planting survival gardens, they are taking self-defense courses, and many other overwhelmed things. Besides preparing things to face the doomsday, those preppers also join some facebook groups or preppers website to discuss about the doomsday and the preparation itself. 

                Some people, including me, think that it is so exaggerated for people to be a prepper. Because when the world ends, nothing can save you from being part of it. Besides that, no one can make sure the validity of the Mayan’s prediction about 21-12-2012. This doomsday issue creates a very great panic toward people all around the world. That panicky makes people do things which absolutely out of mind. But, those preppers have their own reason why they have to do that things and it seems like they take it seriously. One thing for sure, we all agree that there is a time when the world comes to the end, but whether it will happen at 21-12-2012 or not, there’s no one who knows about it. Let’s see together!

Thursday, 13 December 2012

The Harries Twin

Hi there! Actually this week is a Final test week. But today I'm free because there's no class *yeay* So I decided to write something in here. Nah the question is, what am I suppose to write now? Then suddenly I come up with a very brilliant idea. I'm gonna write about Jack an Finn the twin :D I love Jack more than I love Finn :p (sorry Finn).

Okay I'm gonna start with a basic introduction. 
 Jack Harries (well-known as JacksGap)

 is my future cheeky husband. He's a 19 years old British random guy whom I see in YouTube. I love his idea to post his activities during his gap year for his fams and friends. But then, his idea turns out to be loved by many YouTube viewers because OMG he's soooo adorable. I found his channel for the first time when I try to practice listening British accent. So, I just type "British accent" then after some random results, I finally found Jack's video. The first video of Jack that I watched is "British slang" ,the video was taken by Jack together with his adorable twin, Finn Harries and other YouTuber, Tyler Oakley. After finished watching the video, Bang!! I love Jack directly! Marry me Jack please, I love your sweet adorable face, I love your accent, I love your smile, and many other things which I love from you :D akakakka okay it sounds really creepy though. After watching that video, I directly search for other crazed video from him. I can't control my fingers to stop clicking his videos again and again. I'm so overexposed by his charm. Jack is studying theater in Bristol University. 

Now, let's move to Finn :D 

He's Jack's twin who was born two minutes earlier than Jack. So, he's Jack older twin. But Jack tends to call him his slave hahaha why? Just watch this "My favorite"
There are so many names that given to Finn; FinnTheBetterTwin, FinnTheUnverifiedTwin, and many others hahahha. He's so much alike with Jack (you don't say). But Finn is a bit calmer than Jack. For those who prefer with cool guys, you definitely will choose Finn  over Jack. Finn is studying in Leed University, he's taking a graphic design major there. I love Finn too but I love Jack much more than I love him :D


I think that's all from me to tell you about that fallen-from heaven-twin
 Here are some photos of them that I will share to you. Fasten your seat belt! It's gonna be a shaking adventure to see their pictures 

How can you hate that adorable faces? <3


Finn (red) & Jack (blue)

xoxo Yummi

Friday, 7 December 2012

College life + MPKT-A

Hi there, probably it is the longest break since the last time I posted something in this blog. Okay so what should I write right now? Kinda confuse actually. It's sort of a writer's block :| Oh btw I'm gonna have Final Tests this month ergh Godspeed! But the longer I study, Idk I just feel lazier than ever to go to campus. College life is so much worse than high school. The freedom which is given to us makes me careless about everything in my surrounding. No wonder why so many seniors of mine feel so lazy to enter classes. I love the fact that I am given with so much freedom in college, but I hate the fact that the're no tight rules to control that freedom. Ei, I just realize that I talk a lot about how I hate college through my posts. But, actually college life isn't that bad after all. It's just bad. That's it. 
Btw, today is the last day of MPKT-A class. It's a mix feeling :) :( I love today because finally MPKT-A was over, but I hate today because I know that I'm not gonna meet in the same class anymore with my MPKT-A friends :"""( They've been so nice to me. We've been through many things together hahaha (okay it's so exaggerated) The point is, MPKT-A class 12 already gave me so many memories whether they're good or bad memories, they are memories that will last forever *cheers*
You wanna know the people in it? Let's check some photos of us :D


I'm going to miss them a lot :') Hope we're gonna get A for this subject.


Saturday, 1 December 2012

Homeward bound

What do you feel when you watch that video? Ohmygod Idk what you feel but for me, I'm tearing inside and out. It's just so beautiful and I don't even know how to express it. I miss them terribly :'( I miss Quinn Fabray, I miss Noah Puckerman, I miss Santana Lopez, I miss Mike Chang even I miss Mercedes Jones. I miss the former of Glee casts. Glee4 is still as amazing as other previous seasons but somehow Glee isn't the same anymore. I love Glee now but I love Glee more when Quinn and Santana used to have a fight against each other. But what can I say? Glee is moving on too, right? Somehow Glee always reminds me of my high school life because Glee is so into me. The timing between me and Glee is always the same. When I was entered high school, Glee cast did the same too and when I was graduated from high school and entered to college, Glee did it too. That's the other reason why I love watching Glee so much because it's just a self-mirror of my journey. I don't know how many times I've said it, but I wanna say it again, I miss High School with all my friends in it :( #BringBackHighSchooltoMe 

xoxo Yummi

Friday, 30 November 2012

PURMEL's alliens detected

Hi....(again) there! We've just met a couple hours ago but now *jengjeng* here I am writing other post. The post that I would love to share at this time is about my kost-mates hahaha actually I hate the fact that I have an intention to write about those trashy-freak-unreal people. Let's start the journey, fellas :) Make sure you fasten your seat-belt because it's not gonna be a fun trip.

1. We start from me, the owner of 201 room. You know me so well? the most gracious amazingly beautiful person who ever live in this scary lonely place called earth. What should I say more about this perfectly perfect girl? Nothing. Okay let's continue our journey.

2. Chika (the trashy mouth). One word that always come from my mouth whenever I talk with this super plain-expression person is "Trash!" Ya because all the words that come out from her mouth are just some unimportant and random stuffs who seem so trashy. Beside saying trashy stuff, the other thing that she loves to do is grumbling about every little things that she hates about. Just imagine yourself to be around her, pretty painful, huh? :") that's what I feel, but because I'm such a good friend, I'm trying my best to be strong enough to let it all pass. But, actually besides that bad thing I've said about her, she's actually a pretty good friend, she'll help you do anything (if she's in her mood to move her body around), she'll listen to your stories and to have a chat with her is a fun-enjoying moment to have because she always has materials to talk about even if it's about her dark black era. Most of all, the one thing that I do really adore from Chika is her ability to be just the way she is, in other word she's not faking in front of me and others. That's the rare thing if we consider this current condition on our society.
PS: Beware of her, we doubt whether she's a psychopath or not because she loves to watch SAW and other movies like that

3. Lantika (the bully-able girl). She's the lost girl in our rented house. Why do I say so? because she studies in Faculty of Law which means that our rented house is so far far away from her faculty. I don't get the point why on earth she chooses to stay here, but whatever it is, she still Lantika the bully-able person who loves to sing without thinking about the notes of the song at all :') One funny thing that you can see from Lantika is her interests. She loves to watch Indonesian movies and listen (mostly sing it as well) Indonesian song. It's such an admirable thing from her because in this globalization era, so many teenagers tend to love the art products of western countries instead of loving what the local artists have produced. But, Lantika seems to break the view and stand for her own interest. But the one thing that I hardly stand from her is her kittenish, OMG you'll know why I can't stay with it once you get to know her. Through her bads and good(haha) the point is, I am so grateful to know her

4. Delia (my high school friend). She's actually my SHS friend, but we never really talk with each other in the past three years. I don't know why but as far as I remember, I never really have a conversation with her. But now OMG IDK how many unimportant stuffs that we've already talked about. I actually get to know her when we were partnering to do OKK tasks together with our other three friends. From that, I know her much better, I know that she's not the type of most smart girl in school. I thought she's gonna be a boring kind of person but HELLO she couldn't even stop talking once you find a topic to be talked about with her. Moreover a topic about a guy ckck Delia :')
PS: She's looking for a medical studies student right now

5. Lulu (the peleh-bori-bekasiest girl).  Lulu is one of the Bekasian (what is bekasian??) hhaha she always says some unknown bekasi vocabularies. I hardly understand her when she tries to explain something in bekasi way. Wanna know some bekasi vocabs that she loves to say? Here are the list : peleh, bori, asem. You'll have a difficult time to understand her at first. But do you know what kind of birthday surprise that she got from her ldr boyfriend???? You'll be so much envy if I tell you about it. It's just so...ohmygo how should I express it? It's a very..kind of..sweet..ah forget it. It can't be expressed by words (human words I mean) maybe Lulu knows the bekasi vocabs about it? Who knows? Let's ask to her someday

6. Lia ( the-hey guys-girl). Liamelicious is sort of a creative girl I've ever met in my life. She's so creative and diligent enough to sell some products. Yes I think she has what it got to be a business women. The one unforgettable thing about her is the way she always says "hey guys!" to us whenever she greets us in any kind of occasions. Hahaha she's the only person who can say it perfectly with her way. Besides that, she always, I repeat again, always wears a girlie outfits to the campus. Whether wearing a chiffon top and mini skirt or some-I don't get it-outfit that so typical of a teenage girl. We love Lia a lot!
PS: She's a smart person! She studies accounting which is one of the-big no nos-list of mine

7. Sarah (the pinky-grumbling girl). Sarah is the most trendy person in our place. Why do I say so? because she talks like one. She always says "gue bt banget tau gaaa" *you have to say it with a teenager's style* But the thing that you should be so envy from her is the way she takes care of her room. Once you enter the room, you'll directly compare it with your shipwreck room. Her room is so tidy and seems so well-placed. I don't know whether she does a controlling everyday or what but the point is her room is a comfortable place to stay.
PS: Don't expect to find any other color than pink in her room

8. Adel (the most mager person). Do you know the condition when you're too lazy to just move from sofa? that condition is called mager in our slank language, and the person whom I know is so good for doing that is Adel the third floor girl who loves to stay up in the second floor with me and my other friends. Besides that, the other thing that I know from her is her so-Mr.Krab kind of person she is. You'll be so surprised by the way she manages everything by her own.
PS: she's our treasury

9. Nina (the macho-est of all). Nina is the only person in our place who rides a type of men motorcycle. If you expect Nina is a girl with  a black from head to toe outfit kind of girl, you make a very big mistake, fellas. Because Nina is not that boyish after all, she loves to wear girlie stuff such as a top with the ribbon at the bottom of it, or wearing a v-neck t-shirt, etc. She also has a big crush with nail-art. Idk why but she seems to love it so much.

10. Waita (the morning-bonjour-morgen girl). Waita is a smart girl. She masters several languages; Bahasa, English, French, Germany and Russian (maybe there're still some more). She has a big big crush on All time low band. Whenever she was in the second floor, the thing that she always does is youtube-ing some videos of that band and making some random expression once she finished to watch the videos.
PS: Waita has Oma whom We love very much :3

11. Kak Hana (the senior-looks like not one of it-type). She's the newest member of us yeaay *cheerleading* She's Lantika's cheerleader team mate. She just barely moves to our place several weeks ago but she blends very well. Even she's our senior but she doesn't act like one. She just talks with us with the way how friends talk with each other. Honestly when the first time I know she's a senior and she wants to move here, I hate her because I thought she's gonna be an annoying kind of senior who will be so bossy and control our conversations or stuffs but the facts is she's not at all. Moreover she's so not understand-able when she tells her love life story which is FTV-er that FTV itself.

That's all I think from me about the freak creatures of my kost place. Told you they're not type of girls you mostly meet in the college but that's actually which makes us love to socialize with each other and just talk about everything and every times. You'll change your understanding of what home means to you if you're staying in this lovable place.I love them all so much. I love them for being the way they are even if sometimes it's such an annoying thing to be noticed but I don't give a damn for it. What I care is just I can feel comfortable and well-accepted whenever I come to them :3

xoxo Yummi

I and Robert Frost's relation

As usual, I'm gonna start this writing by saying "Hi, there!". Eumh actually have you realized that I change the url? hehe :p I change it because I want to avoid from type of a-kepo-person. Idk who she/he is but I just feel uncomfortable from it. Okay let's move to the main part of this writing cikiciw
Actually what I wanna share to you is about the result of my writing task. Have I told you about the writing task that I've given to my lecture? the "what if" writing? I already get it back to see a feedback from her this afternoon and there's one interesting thing from her comment. It's not a usual comment that she made. She wrote a comment for me that said I should read a poem by Robert frost "(The) Road Not Taken". She said that it will relate to what I've written. So, as soon as I catch to my second home-Purmel- I directly search about that poem because I'm too curious about it. When I've finished to search this poem on google, then I read it and do you know what's the message of this poem? It's such a very deep message that really relate to my writing. This poem tells about a person who had to face two different but equally 'fair' path. This person finally took the less-traveled path rather than the most-traveled path. At first, he doubted whether it was the right path to take or not, he also was so curious about what was happen on the other path. But, finally he realized that no matter which path that he took, it would bring its own story. Writer tried to say that actually taking a less-traveled path is not really that bad, because somehow taking a risk is worth it at the end. Why? because you have became the person you thought you'll never be. The person who's brave enough to take the road that's not as popular as other road. When I read it, the one thing that comes up to my mind is, Oh my god, thanks Maam Savina, I don't even know you'll be that care enough to your student. Btw, do you want to know how the poem is? I'll share it to you at the end of this writing. Have a good time to read it :) Thanks Mr.Robert Frost for leaving us this epic poem as your legacy

xoxo Yummi

The Road Not Taken

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood,
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;

Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear,
Though as for that the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,

And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.

I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.

Sunday, 25 November 2012


Hello there! Now I wanna tell you about my activities on yesterday. I bet you'll get some joys while reading it. Let's start.......

So, yesterday I started my day at 9 a.m, as usual I prepared my breakfast (even it's just an instant noodle) which made me so full. Then, I played with my laptop for few hours till I got bored at about 1 p.m, so I decided to take a bath. When it was done, I watched "P.S I love you" on my laptop. Actually, I haven't finished to watch it because when I checked my phone, time shown that it was already 4 p.m which meant that I had to prepare myself and went to Station and waited for my friends there before we went to TIM. Yes, we had to spend our precious "Saturday night" to watch a play which was written by I.Wahyudi which is my own drama lecturer at college. I waited for Jaenab(actually her real name is Nabila, but we preffer to call her jaenab bcs we feel like Nabila is not so her), DM (her real name is Diana Mariska, but DM is her cute name), and Ines (She's the one who have the purest heart between the five of us) in the station by myself. Then suddenly, from behind, there were jaenab and DM tried to surprise me (HAAA!) you'll be so surprise to see DM's look at that time hahaha she's so much different from usual. Then, jengjeng Ines came with such a funny presentation. Haha she came with a complete rain suit and slipper and don't forget the helmet from tukang ojek hahaha anyway after Ines came, we bought ticket to Jakarta and waited for the train to arrive. After several minutes, FINALLY thanks GOD, train to Senen had arrived. So, we thought that okay let's take this train and then transit in Manggarai then wait for the train to Jakarta. When we wanted to enter into the train, Ohmygod Ines was so aggressive when she tried to get into the train. In the train, I sat next to Jaenab which means that it was gonna be a pretty painful trip. She talked and talked all about the trashy things all the times, told you it was gonna be soooooo painful. FINALLY we arrived at Manggarai station and waited for the train to Jakarta Kota, we waited at the fifth platform for couple minutes then suddenly DM told us that actually we should wait in the 3rd platform. So, we rushed to go there and you know what? We crossed train and just jumped into another platform and you know who's so good to do this kind of stuff? yes, DM! hahahaha she ran just like penguin, so funny! 
When we arrived at Cikini station, we decided to go to McD first while we were waiting for Tika to arrive. And this was the most memorable thing from last night. On my way to McD, we had to pass the slippery and tarnish road which made me fell down and you know what? my super-expensive trouser was ripped. I didn't know what I should feel at that time, it was a mix between shame, pain and laugh. So I just sat there waiting for my friend's hands to help me stand again. Then, I went to the bathroom to wash my injury and on my way there, I saw a handsome guy hahaha (sorry it's human nature). Let's skip it. To make it short, Tika had arrived so we went to TIM by Bajaj hahaha. When we got there, I asked to a "tukang parkir" where is the place of the building that we wanted to visit. When I just started to ask, that man directly answered "Oh UI? lurus aja kesana" while ponited to the buliding at the back. So we went there and then waited till the gate was opened. We realized that we haven't do a maghrib pray so we asked the security where mosque is. Surprisingly, the way to the mosque was so frightening because there were some "abang-abang" who have unfriendly look. But because we have to do maghrib and isya pray, we pushed ourselves to pass through that "scary" place. After did pray, we went again to the GBB because the gate was already opened. In there, we were guided by an officer to our seats. We spent about 4 hours to watch the play. You wanna know about the play? I guess I'll share it to you on my next posting. Hehehe heeeeeee *jajang's style* 
After watched the play, I, DM, Jaenab, and Tika went to Tika's house because her house is the nearest house from TIM itself. Too sad, Ines couldn't join us because her aunty already picked her up in TMI at 11.30 p.m before the play ended. When we got into Tika's house, ya like what most women do, you can guess what we did in there, we were gossiping about everything, but almost whole conversations were dominating about the fake people we've met. We talked hour and hour and hour till 3.30 am. Then because I was too sleepy, so I decided to go sleep first. Then at the morning, I woke up at 9 am and prepared myself to go back to the rented house at about 11 am by train with jaenab and DM. 

That's it....haha finally I finish my story. Sorry if you think that it looks trashy to tell about my activities in here. But I just try to share it to you, my fellas :)

xoxo Yummi

Saturday, 24 November 2012

My instant thought

You think I must be crazy, huh? Posting two posts in a day. Hmm actually I just come up with some random stuff, so I directly think that it should be written in here, in my blog.

Okay let's start.
I guess now people can't live without gadget at all. I mean seriously, everywhere and every time I go, there is at least one BB on each person's hand. Moreover, there are a lot of people that hand BB, iPhone, and iPad at the same time. Isn't it crazy? More ironic than that, it's not a strange thing anymore to see children under age that play with those kind of gadgets instead of playing outside with their fellas. Crazy, huh? And you know what? We're still in the 21st Century, can you imagine how's life gonna be in the next centuries? pretty awful, huh? I can't even imagine myself to live in those such a horrible place

Just that thing that I wanna share to you all, fellas.
It's such a relieve for me to be able to share my thought in blog xixi

see ya in couple times later

xoxo Yummi

What if

Hi there (again)! what a productive way to produce writing one for each day. Now actually I don't want to write about some random stuffs. I just want to show you my writing, the one that had been written by me for my writing class. Let me tell you a little bit about the process to produce this writing. I was actually in my sort of indescribable mood at that time, and I just laid down on my bed and thinking about all the moments that I've been throwing away through my life. I was so upset with myself, to be such a coward, to be such a lame person. So at that time, I just grabbed my BlackBerry and started to type words after words on the MemoPad. Then here it is, my writing and the title is "What If"

What if...what if? That's a question that will come up to our mind whenever we face one new condition. We always make ourselves busy to think about what's going to happen next. What good things and bad things that follow behind that step that we face at the point. We never dare ourselves to be brave to embrace new things in front of us. That thing that makes us skip a lot of beautiful moments of life. We're too scared of a future but we're also in such a misery to live the present, because we don't know whether we want this kind of future or that kind of future. It is like we don't live in the present nor in the future. We never actually live our life if we always think about "what if". Over thinking makes us forget the beauty from life itself, the beauty of surprise. We're not letting the road to choose us, but we are the one who choose it. Now. can you just close your eyes for a moment? Remember all the kind of big moments that you've already skipped? What do you feel when you can't have them all? I've felt it for many times, and it's not a good feeling. Regret is the only thing that haunting me all my life. I always hate myself for not letting me to embrace the things that I supposed to have. But life goes on, things that already happened can't be changed. What we can do next is just letting go things that already happened and change our point of view. Try to embrace our life! Live your life! So start from now, erase "what if" and start to say "I'm ready for it!"

That's all from me, thank you for reading it, fellas

xoxo Yummi

Thursday, 22 November 2012

Welcome Back Yummi

Such a long time since "that dark full of shame" time which haunted for years  till I deleted my old blog :p But now *drum roll* I'm back! I'm back to give you happiness and prosperity, to share my beautiful kind of writing to all of my absolutely loyal readers in all over places on earth (actually you can skip that part) I never think in any time to create any blog again. Oh btw, I already become one of college students now yippie! Life isn't as easy as what we felt on the high school. Fake people are everywhere, killer lectures are always by your side, and tons of tasks which seems will never ever end. At first, I thought it's gonna be so fun to be college student, because when you see movies or soap operas, you can see how life is so much fun when you're in college. But guess what? it's not! I miss my best friends terribly (I hate the fact that I do haha) But surely I have no doubt again to say how I miss those little freak creatures who used to fill my life with such joy and happiness. You can say high school is the best time ever, I will never in once be dare to debate those line. In high school, you can get what you never have when you're in jhs and surely you'll never get in this individually college life. In high school (senior term I mean) you can feel that you have such friends who never actually faking in front of you, even though their sayings are so trashy, I don't care about that. What I care (eumh a little bit care maybe) is just They always be there for me and absolutely through my invisible kind of presence, I'll try my best to always be there for them too.
I write this random stuff not just for my two ladies out there, but to all of my high school friends. Just to make you realize that behind this "not kind of care" personality, I do care about you and surely I do miss you like decades! Hope we're all gonna be a person we're going to pursue!

LOL (Lot of Loves) from me,

unbreakable Yummi :')