Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Monday, 28 January 2013

Grinda&Archy: Flirtationship does hurt (1)

This is a story of two young naïve people. They have already been together for years, Grinda and Archy . Grinda is a girl next door while Archy is a sort of superstar boy. They met each other  at one unexpected meeting. Back to early summer in 2010, Grinda at that time was having fun at the beach with her friends, talking and just laughing, enjoying the sun-bathing. Then after a while, she felt like she needed a water supply to her body cause she had been there for couple hours. So, she decided to queue in a line at the ice cream bar. She felt like she was gonna die due the hotness which wrapped her in her swimsuit. She couldn’t take it anymore, she kept grumbling and crankier than ever. A 8 years-old boy which stood in front of her kind of felt annoyed by her and just stared at her in an odd way. She stared at him back with 10 times worse than she got. Archy that stood about 2 persons in front of that boy, just looked at Grinda with a smile on his face. He asked her “what’s going on? You can’t hide your frown by scolding at this boy haha”. Grinda seemed shocked since she didn’t expect reactions from anybody. “Err.Nothing I just…I felt so thirsty and I’m dying over here, this weather literally tries to kill me softly. I just need that freakin scoops of ice cream you know”  she kept grumbling about anything she could possibly talk about. “Oh there you go, here I’ve just bought it. If you feel like going to die, just take it, I’ll go buy a lemon tea there” Offered a bowl of ice cream on his hand. “really? How much do I owe you for this?” staring with moon-eyes toward him. “Nahhh.just take it. Eumh by the way, do you mind if I accompany you to walk to your place?” “It would be greatttttt! I mean yes it’s okay, I’ll be fine by that” Smiling with a horse smile. That was how those two young lovers met. They just talked and talked for anything they could possibly talk about for the days after. They connected with each other with their different characteristics. Grinda is a childish and cranky person, yet she is a talkative and easy-going person, don’t forget that she’s sort of like apathies to people around her. But then here comes Acrhy who is a super-star in every aspects; he can do music, sport, math, etc. Almost anything, but just like any other popular boys do exist in this world, he doesn’t take girls seriously . Up till now he hasn’t pick on any girls even if there is a crowd full of girls who stands next to him;asking for his certainty about the relationship. But that’s Archy. With each other, they feel absolutely complete as a “friend”. But then off course, days change, people’s feeling changes too. It brings them to the place where they never ever thought before. A place where love infiltrates the deepest layer of their friendship circle. They  hadn’t realize it at that time, not until their closest friend started to gossip about their “unhealthy “ friendship. 


My Hijab Experience

To wear hijab is an obligation for every female Muslims in the world. Since I am a Muslim as well, I do also have that obligation to be followed. But I haven't really realized that even if I've reached my baligh age. Year by year I passed without wore hijab. I felt okay at that time because I saw there were just a few of my friends who use it. I don't know what was in to me at that time, but I just didn't feel like I was ready to wear hijab for the rest of my life. When I entered senior high school, there is a regulation where all the female Muslims have to wear hijab every time there's a religious education. And I still remember how I started to feel guilty for keeping my sins that much. I also started to think that I don't wanna people (especially males just look at me for the way I look, not the way I think or behave). I started to dig my knowledge about hijab itself, I asked my friends who already use hijab a long time ago. I asked the reason why they decided to use hijab, their feeling when use it at first, their family's comments about that, etc.I found many interesting yet kind of slapping. They all (well most of them) said that they use it because of Allah, but some of them who have used hijab since elementary school said at first it because their parents asked them to, or because it is an obligation from their school to use it. But they said day by day, they realized that they use it because of Allah too. It built my intention to use hijab higher than before. But there was always something which kept bothering me a lot at that time. I wondered how if I don't stick to what I believe someday? How if *naudzubillah* I put off my hijab because I don't feel like I want to? I didn't want it to be happened. That was why I kept holding myself to be brave to embrace it. When I entered the senior year in my high school, my intention reached almost the highest level. I asked my-already hijab-ed-friends about what they feel inside their hijab? They all said it is really comfortable even on the sunny days. That's more than enough for me to thicken my intention. I've reached my top level of intention to wear hijab when my teacher which taught religious education asked us (female Muslims) who haven't used hijab, the reasons behind why we kept acting blind to do our obligation? I kind of stuttered at that time, I didn't know what to say, because I did know that I was completely wrong and sinful. I kept thinking about that for days and nights. Until at about 3 pm in one sunny November 2011, I finally firmed up my intention to use hijab. At that time I prepared myself to go to course place. Then suddenly I just took my hijab and wore it. When I arrived at my friend's house. She was completely stunned, wonderstrucked and wondered what on earth which made me use hijab. I just silly-smiled at her and explained why I decided to use it. Ohya btw, my parents knew I decided to use hijab by text hahaha. I simply text my dad who was going with my mom at that time, like this:
"Mom, Dad, start from now on, I've decided to use hijab. I don't use it because of anybody. I just felt like I've been mature enough to realize that it is my obligation as a Muslim" then my parents said "Okay, you've decided so stick with it". My friends at school felt wondered too when I entered school with hijab on me. But they looked happy with it, my close-teachers felt it too but they congratulated me for what I've done. They looked so astonish either. In conclusion, they embrace me for the way I look from the day on and felt happy too for me.
Now, it's over a year from the first time I use this graceful clothing on me. I've been through rough days to hear people mocked at me because I haven't used the proper hijab like it has to. They mocked me direct/indirectly. I've almost defeated at one moment and thought "did I really that vile in their eyes?" But then I realized it's not them who deserve to judge me. It's only Allah, the one who created me and give me life up to this point. I do realize till now, I haven't used hijab properly because I still wear jeans pants and haven't use a long dress like it should. I work on it, I start to fix myself and the way I wear hijab to the syar'i way. Sometimes I do feel like all the words which persuade and kind of warn me to wear hijab properly do hurt me a lot. I feel like I've been cornered because of the wrong approach that I take. However I have to accept that because it's a true thing. Yes, truth does hurt. That's why you hear and say sweet-lie more than bitter-truth. Help and guide me to reach my syar'i hijab, I work on it.
I think that's my 1 year experience since the first time I decided to wear Hijab :) Hope you can be inspired and be a better person than me.
ps: I felt so touched when I hear from my friend that my mom actually felt so much happy when she knew at the first time that I will use hijab. Actually my mom really wanted me to use hijab since a long time ago and she always said it on her pray. Yes she prays for me :") what can I ask more than that? I love you mom, a lot!


Sunday, 27 January 2013

Campus Goes To School (SMAN 13) 2013

Today I'd like to tell you about the event which was held by the alumni of SMAN 13 Jakarta (class of 2012). The event was run on 21-23 and 25 of January 2013. It was our gift to our juniors whom will face the campus life soon. In there, all of us as the fresh graduated alumni told all the things which might haven't been known by our juniors about college life. Starting from the variates of Universities and faculties that they can choose, the passing grade, kind of tests to enter those universities, the college fee, etc. It gave so many advantages for all parts. For the juniors, ofc it helped them a lot to understand even more about the life they will face soon. For the school, the teachers and all staffs do not have to worry if their students won't understand about the whole process the will be going through. Last but not least, for us as the alumni, we totally having so much joy there because we can meet up again after 6 months been separated by distance. All of us gathered together, looking so much good with "almamater" we put on us. What can we ask more than a simply meeting?
I'll tell you a little bit about the event.
On the first day, all of the universities that took part in this event opened a booth. In there, all juniors can ask anything they'd like ask to us. We with our knowledge, will try our best to answer kind of questions that they were curious about.
On the second day, actually it was almost the same like the first day. But there was a different thing here, half of the universities presented from class to class; UNPAD, UGM, UNBRAW, actually I sort of forget the rest of the universities.
On the third day, it was the same like the second day. The unvi which presented were UI, IPB, ITB, UNDIP, STT, Poltekkes, UNHAS, etc.
And on the last day, there was a talk show. In that show, 3 of us; Intan (accepted in UNDIP from the invitation way), Fadhli (accepted in UGM from the written test of SNMPTN), and Ami (accepted in UNPAD from the "mandiri" test).
We were having so much fun there, I hope all the juniors were having fun too and ofc we also hope they will get the information that we've been delivered to them.

Here are some photos of us there. Enjoy XD

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Flood: can't see anything but water & trashes

Today, 17th January 2013 is the day when our beautiful capital city, Jakarta feels the 5 years-periodic of flood. Literally Jakarta is surrounded by water from north to south. For me myself who lives in North of Jakarta, I gotta tell you fellas, life never been easy here. Like today, the rain which falls continuously since night till now 12.30 p.m causes the level of water in some rivers overflow and BANG!! you know what will come after it, ofc it's flood. Flooding everywhere.....
In my house, flood reaches till my calf (well maybe it's just for me since I'm not really tall after all). Worse than that, there are some leaks inside my house and causes waters also flowing inside my house. Yeah I told you life never been any easy here.
Since 7 in the morning, my dad(thanks God he already came back from Bali), my mom, and me had been so hectic to take out the waters inside by using some household appliances; scoop, bucket, sponge, hose, etc. Besides that to prevent the flood from outside comes inside, my father & my two uncles made sort of like dam in front of my door. It's quite effective since the water doesn't come inside. Thanks God it didn't add our burden about this flood issue. At 10 am, all of us surrendered to take out the water inside my house. We won't go anywhere, I mean it is still raining. There's no chance for us to get out from this rain problem. The only way that we can do is wait until the rain stops and then fix it after.
What unique in every flood-season is all the children go outside and just swim in the flood haha. It's just so amusing you know. Yes, children always see the good side from every problems that they face. How can't we as adults to do the same thing like them? hahaha.
Btw sad story comes from my neighbor. Two siblings died at the same time this morning, too bad the ambulance won't come because of the flood. Till now they haven't been buried :( Hope they can rest in peace.
I think that's all, I still stuck in the middle of flood inside my house. I'll share some pictures of flood which happens in my area. Enjoy (?)

pretty awful, huh? Yes it is, and it is worse than it looks.
#SaveJakarta #Jakarta'sFlood #PrayForJakarta

Monday, 14 January 2013

What is wrong with you(government)?

The hottest news now across many UI students is about the forced eviction which happens to the marketeer in Pocin. It-the forced eviction- happens a lot in this country. I've seen the news for many times. It looks like we (as the small people) are the wrong side. And you  (government) are always be the right side no matter how hard it is for us to understand. Which is right?
I surely am not the kind of person who have a willingness to do demonstration. But it doesn't mean that I don't give a damn to the villainy which is done by our honorable government. To see the facts from the crime scene, God! I can't hold my sadness. It hurts me a lot to see women are crying, a lot of innocent kids' face. Hopeless faces looked everywhere.
I know, I don't really understand the whole problems. But I'm not blind. I can make a difference between what is right and what is wrong. I know it because I still have this in my heart, I have a humanity inside. Do YOU have it, people? Do you?
What I can't understand further is that all the buildings of those hopeless marketeer are forced to be evicted but then on the other hand, We can see there's a mini-market stands strong right close to the-forced evicted-buildings.
I just don't get it, if YOU, our honorable government think that the existence of the "disturbing buildings" needs to be demolished. Why on earth you give permission before? It's just like after you "rack-rent" all the seller there, you just husshh them away without any permission first? What kind of human is that?
Though many arguments talking about this stuffs, I do get it people. For you who think that what my companion and all the seller do is just a useless and kind of attention seeker, please try positioning yourself like them. What would you do? You can easily say "Duh, it's so fckin disturbing demostation" and stuffs, because you are not them. You are not the ones who have to put your life on the line by selling some books in that place. You can easily say that that forced eviction is already right. But can you prove that? Even the police says that there are no legal permission coming out from them. So, what on earth that you make as your base to do the eviction?
I know I'm not like my companion who put their soul-literally-on the line supporting the marketeer in there. But I believe I can help them to open some not-open minded people through this writing.

PS: actually you(government) are elected by us(small people) to help us keep alive through the life-struggling, but now it seems like you are the one whom we have to struggle with :) Where's your- in the name of qur'an- promise? Are you blinding by the bling of the temporary life? Remember, maybe we are the ones who can save you later :)

Type of man

Couple minutes ago, I read my sister's proverb book. In that book, I see 4 proverbs that really catch my interest. It seems so true because these are 4 types of humans that we meet every single days. Want to know what kind of men do exist in this world? Let's see what I've written for you. Enjoy!

  • The man who doesn't know, and he doesn't know that he doesn't know, he is a stupid man. Go away from him!
  • The man who doesn't know, and he knows he doesn't know, he is honest. teach him! 
  • The man who knows, and he doesn't know that he knows. That man is sleeping. Wake him up!
  • The man who knows, and he knows that he knows. He is a wise man. Follow him

Stupid man, honest man, sleeping man and wise man are the ones whom we can analyze actually. For we ourselves, we can also figure out what kind of human we are. I also sum up that the root from all foolishness is a lack of willingness to ask. People sometimes are too shame even just to declare that they don't understand. It happens to me sometimes. I sometimes ignore the fact that I don't get the materials which are given by the lecturers. It brings me to the place I stand right now. A less-satisfied one. I haven't achieved my best up to this point. Disappointed? Sure I do feel it right now. But what can I say? I am the one who make me who I am today. Embrace it! For all who feel the same thing like me, don't think that you are worthless. Remember, even Edison had to try 10.000 times till he found the light bulb. If he could do that, why can't we do that too?


Saturday, 12 January 2013

Cartoons that I don't really like (read. hate)

Talking about cartoon, I'm sure we all have our favorite ones. Like me, I love Tazmania, Barbie, Adventure time, Toy story, and Penguins of the Madagascar. Instead of talking about cartoons which I love. At this time, I'd prefer to write a post about the cartoons which I hate. Enjoy!

1. Mickey & Minnie Mouse
These are maybe ones of the oldest cartoon in the universe. Many people like or even crave for them. But for me, I don't find any cuteness coming from them. Since I was a little girl until now, I never at once get any crush towards them. But my first sister, she's in love with these mice. I just....don't get it.

2. Winnie The Pooh
Yap! I don't like him or her. Oh ya him. Sorry people. I don't like him because he's a lazy person and ohmygod I can't stand any longer to watch a slow kind of person like that? Geez cmon it takes ages for him to say one damn complete sentence. Besides that, I just have another reason which I can't reveal. Actually it is the main reason why I hate Pooh SO-Much. Sorry yellow.

3. Hello Kitty
Crazed about Hello Kitty? EWHHH. First, she is a cat! I repeat a cat! a big no-no. Then, she is soooooooo feminine. Not mention again that she is so kittenish (?) and I think she's kind of attention-seeker. I don't find any reason in the world to have moon-eyes while looking at this cartoon.

4. Tweety
Actually I just don't really like it yet I don't hate it after all. Ya, I'm in the cross between love-hate feeling. For this one, I can't figure out why I don't really like it. I just don't.

5. Jerry from "Tom & Jerry"
I'm sure you don't understand why I hate Jerry instead of Tom. I mean Tom is a cat, yet I don't get any reason to hate him. Moreover, I feel like I wanna smash Jerry one at a time. I found Jerry is a shifty mouse. He disturbs Tom, then Tom's catching after him, I mean it's fuckin' logic. For you yourself, what will you do when someone disturbs you while you're having your nap? Ofc You'll do the same thing like Tom. But then, it turns out to be Tom's faults. Every characters bully Tom. It's always Tom who get the smash, the bad things. It isn't FAIR! cmon people. Then Jerry at the end of almost every episodes. Get things that he shouldn't get. I hate Jerry so much! I repeat SO MUCH.


I know it might be strange for some of you to read it. It looks like I hate cartoons which almost all girls in this universe love. Eumhh. Guess I have a different interest from them, I don't care :p

Monday, 7 January 2013

It's me (that you haven't know)

Hi.hehehe okay I'm still bored today. Gahhh. Now, I wanna tell you about my bad habits ahahaha yes I'm sure it's such a weird thing. But I do this to be such a reminder for me so that I could be a better person this year. Classic, huh? But let's try this stuff, it sounds more like a resolution. But naaah, it's not. Resolution is a big no-no of mine. Because I do believe that it just motivates me at the first week after I wrote that thing down. Okay let's start it..............

1. I am a moody person.
You know a situation when at first you feel so much happy than suddenly you feel so upset with everybody? I feel that for many times. I don't know, when I feel something bothers me a lot! I will change my mood suddenly. I'm kind of an expressive person hahaha. Ya I'll show my expression a lot through things I've been through. It's not just that, my mood effects all people around me. For example, if I feel upset, I'll text as short as possible, chat as short as possible. I sometimes just text "Yes" "No" "Hmm" "Ha" "dih" "Oh" "zz" "-_-" etc. Ofc whoever read that message will be so upset too, and sort of like enter to my mood also hahaha. Sorry people, I'll try to change this worst habit.

2. I am a sentimental person.
Hahahhaa it's soooo embarrassing for me to tell about it. Yes, I cry a lot. It's not that I cry all the time. It's just my tears run upon my cheeks easily. Even when I'm not sad, I could cry. For example, I can't be mad to people, I mean it's not that I can't feel mad at them, it's just I can't express my madness by shouting at them or scolding at them and things like that. So what will I do when I'm at that condition? I will cry! Yeah to express that unexpressed feeling, suddenly my tears just exploded ahahaha. I just don't wanna make things be worse than ever, so I'll be like the one who give in (uuuuh what an angle I am o:) )

3. I am a SOOOOOO mager person.
Okay let's make it clear as crystal. Mager is soooo damn different with lazy. It has no connection any how at all. Mager is just mager you know. You just not in your mood to go anywhere but here.When I am at the top stage of my Mager-ness hmm. People will be so much annoyed by it. Sorry people, it's just nahhh I'm so mager. Once I've ever dressed to go to campus, then suddenly I felt so much mager, right at that time I decided to changed my cloth and went to sleep. Yes I skipped the class because of a very stupid reason. and don't be shock when I cancel the plan suddenly just because I don't feel like I wanna go hahaha.

4. I am a bossy person
I don't know maybe it's because of my background in the family, I'm the first child here so which means that among my other siblings, I'm the most powerful. So, I often just order this and this and this and that to my siblings. This habit is carried by me wherever I go. More over, when I was in senior high school, I was the leader for one extracurricular which makes my bossy-level rose up. I know it's not a good thing to be had by a leader. But Idk I just couldn't hushhhh it away.

5. I am the One (so ambiguous)
It's not that I'm god-alike or something. Amit-amit ya Allah. This habit means that I just wanna be the best. I hate losing. As what I've told you in my old post. I hate myself so much If I couldn't give my best. If I couldn't bring out my best. It's not that I'm a jerk or bitchy or what. It's just that I don't wanna be degraded by others. That the reason why I'll be dying to reach the top position.Yes it's such a bad habit of mine.

6. I am not a caring person.
For you who know me since forever, you know I am not a kind-of-full of attention-person. I won't get notice whether you feel sad at that time or what. Maybe it's not that I don't see it or what. I actually see and feel it, it's just I don't wanna put my nose into others' business' if they don't ask me to. Because I have a principle that not all people want you to be involved to their problems. There's a time for you to know it, and there's a limitation of things that you could cross in their problems. That's why I prefer not to give or pay full attention to people around me. That's why most of them judged me as a not caring person.

Woaaaaagh seriously I can continue this list until forever but adzan Maghrib has been heard from the nearest Mosque here. So, that's it, I have to go Shalat. I hope that through this year, I can change those bad habits and other untold bad habits of mine. Good luck fo'meeeeeeh! Ciao people ;)


Saturday, 5 January 2013

Another unimportant journal

Hmm. Actually I don't know what to write right now hahaha but I just wanna write thing down. Heum Okay while typing, hope I'll get some ideas to be written.
Okay I get it. I wanna tell you the reason behind why I create blog again, and why it should be fully written in English. Lend me your eyes :p

First up, the reason why I finally make a decision to re-create my blog is because, I kinda miss the joy which I get from typing some words into it. Yeah people say that it's way better to speak with "human" than with "computer" about your problems. But somehow I always believe that not all of "humans" want to listen your ton of-damn-problems. So, that's why I (sometimes) prefer to write things down on my blog and let those who sincerely read it and maybe can leave some comments directly/not.  But, my current blog is different with my previous one, now I change the vision #tsah of this blog. My previous blog concerns more about my uhuk-ehemlove-problems. ahahahhaha oh gosh. it sounds sooooo eighty-six. I was in a major problem because of the posts that I've written. So as what I've said before, I deleted my old blog and vacuum in the blog world for a little bit long time. But then I kinda miss the feeling from pouring my feeling and ideas into some sentences into it ahahaha. For you whom know the relieve you get after posting into your blog, you'll understand what I'm saying.

Next, why it should be written in English? some people say I'm such a smart-ass or something ahahaha but I'm fine with that. Actually it's related with the reason behind the re-creating of this blog. Since I'm taking English Literature as my current studies, I have to improve my ability to produce some writings. But then how can I improve my ability if I never have a chance to practice? I fully realize my writing is wayyyyyyy far from the good writing itself. Mine hasn't been grammatically perfect. That's why I determine to write everything in English. It's not that I want to show off or something, it's also not that I don't love Bahasa or what. But I just wanna be better, and to achieve that goal, I have to try to change it by myself. I can't rely on other persons to change it. That's when I see blog as the shining star which lead me to the answer of it. Since blogging is free, why don't I use it? Cmon, quoting from @social_junkee "who hates technology? Not me"

I think that's all. Quite unimportant stuff to be read hahaha but that's okay if you skip this writing. Oh ya btw I keep questioning who is the android user who keep checking my blog? :o I mean cmon, almost half of my viewers are you, android user. Whoever you are, I don't mind of it but I just sooo damn curious.


Friday, 4 January 2013


Pfffft it's just the first week of my long holiday and guess what? I'm bored as hell. GAHHH! I don't know what to say anymore. I mean literally I just wake up-eat-take a bath-eat-sleep-internet-take a bath-tv-sleep- that's it. But, I also don't have any intention to go out somewhere. Ya it's a little bit (or maybe too) stupid, but that's what I feel right now. Not mention again that my friends are having UAS up until the next two weeks maybe. HOLABOMBAAAA. I'm trying to fill my holiday with some useful things; I learn some idioms hahah, stupid I know, but somehow it's fun because it can help me improve my knowledge of English itself. I also make myself busy to read some articles that I found in twitter. Besides that, what? eumh I help my mom! Yes it's the most useful thing I do during my holiday (you should give me a compliment on that) yeaaaah.
My hand phone is my closest best friend at this point, I mean it always be there next to me every time. Luckily, some of my friends already free like me, and some of them haven't go back to their campus life. So, they can have chat with me and just decrease my boring-level. Luckily too, they (ega,rifsi,duffy) often come to my house and just talk for hours. Sigh! But, Ega is going back to Semarang soon :'( and Rifsi, she's having a final test right now. pffft! and Duffy, hhhh he's going back too the hell (I mean dorm) :'( SOOO it means that I'm stuck in here in this place alone (it's so exaggerated  I know, sorry). Ah, what a human nature. I never be grateful for any times. I mean when I'm in my hectic days, I always dying to have holiday and just be in my house. But then, when I have my holiday, I just wanna back to my hectic-campus-life. It's not that I miss the real campus life with the tasks, quizzes, and to meet the lecturers. I just miss my friend in the English department (DM,Jaenab,Tika,Inez) and ofc I also miss my kost-mates like a lot! Ohya BTW, I think I'm just gonna be in the rented room until the 4th semester only. Because my mom think that I already can handle the trip from my home to campus *sigh* but ya it's worth it to be tried.
What? I think I talk too much. I'm gonna end this mumbo jumbo right now.

Ps: I think I'm gonna start to make my holiday plan! yes what a doozy invention of mine. Yeah great minds think alike hahaha.


Tuesday, 1 January 2013

my version of new year's eve

Happy New Year! Should I change "heavy" instead of happy in here? I mean I embrace this new year with a heavy flu *huatchim* plus cough *uhuk* emm.
I'm gonna tell you about what's going on with me yesterday. Yes, yesterday is a new year's eve. So many people prepared different things to celebrate the new year. For me, I don't really catch the importance of counting down to the upcoming year. For years, I just sleep on my bed while everybody else burning some fireworks or simply just having fun outside. But this year, it's different. I spent my new year's eve by watching movie in the theater. Actually it wasn't really prepared well. My mom suddenly came to my room while I was lying in my bed because of this flu, then she asked me to go out and watch movie with my fams. Ofc at first I refused this offer, because I didn't in my mood even just to step out from my room. Moreover my mom said that she wanted to watch Habibie&Ainun. I've watched that movie, ofc I said "no mom, I'd better in home alone" But then my mom kept insisting me to go with my fams. She offered that I could watch different movie alone. Finally I said yes. So, we went out to watch movie at Artha Gading. We went to the locket, and I saw what movies were available to be watched. There are only 5 movies in that theater; Habibie&Ainun, 5cm, Potong bebek angsa, Cinta tapi beda, and Jack Reacher. At first, I planned to watch the hobbit. But unfortunately, I couldn't watch it, so I ended up by choosing "cinta tapi beda" because the other two options were not really tempting me. For potong bebek angsa, I mean cmon -_-. Then for Jack Reacher, it's an action movie, I'm not a huge fan of this genre. So, I preferred to watch "cinta tapi beda".
I watched the movie by myself because all of my family members watched Habibie&Ainun. So, I just went into the third theater and then BAM!! I saw so many couples were in there too to watch it. Then, I just sat in E11 by myself. I told you, it wasn't a good feeling though huft. Actually I do wanna give you the review for this movie, but I don't know, suddenly I feel so lazy to type it. I think I will share my thought about this movie later in the next post :) Okay let's continue my story, after finished to watch the movie. I and my family had dinner as usual. Then, because I couldn't stand any longer to be outside, I begged to go home. So, we went home. After we arrived at home, I directly went straight to my bed (but actually I swallowed couple of medicines first) then slept. At about 11 pm, I woke up because of the annoyance I got from hearing the fireworks. Ergh seriously dude, get a life! So, I awoke for about two hours, luckily it wasn't really bad after all to spend that two hours :p because...............hehehhee it's a secret.
Then suddenly I hear people started counting down...............and....Yak adios amigos 2012, and welcome 2013. A year full of hopes and wishes :)
So, I guess I'm done :) that's my version of New year's eve. How about yours? I'm sure it was way better than mine :)
