The hottest news now across many UI students is about the forced eviction which happens to the marketeer in Pocin. It-the forced eviction- happens a lot in this country. I've seen the news for many times. It looks like we (as the small people) are the wrong side. And you (government) are always be the right side no matter how hard it is for us to understand. Which is right?
I surely am not the kind of person who have a willingness to do demonstration. But it doesn't mean that I don't give a damn to the villainy which is done by our honorable government. To see the facts from the crime scene, God! I can't hold my sadness. It hurts me a lot to see women are crying, a lot of innocent kids' face. Hopeless faces looked everywhere.
I know, I don't really understand the whole problems. But I'm not blind. I can make a difference between what is right and what is wrong. I know it because I still have this in my heart, I have a humanity inside. Do YOU have it, people? Do you?
What I can't understand further is that all the buildings of those hopeless marketeer are forced to be evicted but then on the other hand, We can see there's a mini-market stands strong right close to the-forced evicted-buildings.
I just don't get it, if YOU, our honorable government think that the existence of the "disturbing buildings" needs to be demolished. Why on earth you give permission before? It's just like after you "rack-rent" all the seller there, you just husshh them away without any permission first? What kind of human is that?
Though many arguments talking about this stuffs, I do get it people. For you who think that what my companion and all the seller do is just a useless and kind of attention seeker, please try positioning yourself like them. What would you do? You can easily say "Duh, it's so fckin disturbing demostation" and stuffs, because you are not them. You are not the ones who have to put your life on the line by selling some books in that place. You can easily say that that forced eviction is already right. But can you prove that? Even the police says that there are no legal permission coming out from them. So, what on earth that you make as your base to do the eviction?
I know I'm not like my companion who put their soul-literally-on the line supporting the marketeer in there. But I believe I can help them to open some not-open minded people through this writing.
PS: actually you(government) are elected by us(small people) to help us keep alive through the life-struggling, but now it seems like you are the one whom we have to struggle with :) Where's your- in the name of qur'an- promise? Are you blinding by the bling of the temporary life? Remember, maybe we are the ones who can save you later :)
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