Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Monday, 28 January 2013

Grinda&Archy: Flirtationship does hurt (1)

This is a story of two young naïve people. They have already been together for years, Grinda and Archy . Grinda is a girl next door while Archy is a sort of superstar boy. They met each other  at one unexpected meeting. Back to early summer in 2010, Grinda at that time was having fun at the beach with her friends, talking and just laughing, enjoying the sun-bathing. Then after a while, she felt like she needed a water supply to her body cause she had been there for couple hours. So, she decided to queue in a line at the ice cream bar. She felt like she was gonna die due the hotness which wrapped her in her swimsuit. She couldn’t take it anymore, she kept grumbling and crankier than ever. A 8 years-old boy which stood in front of her kind of felt annoyed by her and just stared at her in an odd way. She stared at him back with 10 times worse than she got. Archy that stood about 2 persons in front of that boy, just looked at Grinda with a smile on his face. He asked her “what’s going on? You can’t hide your frown by scolding at this boy haha”. Grinda seemed shocked since she didn’t expect reactions from anybody. “Err.Nothing I just…I felt so thirsty and I’m dying over here, this weather literally tries to kill me softly. I just need that freakin scoops of ice cream you know”  she kept grumbling about anything she could possibly talk about. “Oh there you go, here I’ve just bought it. If you feel like going to die, just take it, I’ll go buy a lemon tea there” Offered a bowl of ice cream on his hand. “really? How much do I owe you for this?” staring with moon-eyes toward him. “Nahhh.just take it. Eumh by the way, do you mind if I accompany you to walk to your place?” “It would be greatttttt! I mean yes it’s okay, I’ll be fine by that” Smiling with a horse smile. That was how those two young lovers met. They just talked and talked for anything they could possibly talk about for the days after. They connected with each other with their different characteristics. Grinda is a childish and cranky person, yet she is a talkative and easy-going person, don’t forget that she’s sort of like apathies to people around her. But then here comes Acrhy who is a super-star in every aspects; he can do music, sport, math, etc. Almost anything, but just like any other popular boys do exist in this world, he doesn’t take girls seriously . Up till now he hasn’t pick on any girls even if there is a crowd full of girls who stands next to him;asking for his certainty about the relationship. But that’s Archy. With each other, they feel absolutely complete as a “friend”. But then off course, days change, people’s feeling changes too. It brings them to the place where they never ever thought before. A place where love infiltrates the deepest layer of their friendship circle. They  hadn’t realize it at that time, not until their closest friend started to gossip about their “unhealthy “ friendship. 


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