Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Thursday, 17 January 2013

Flood: can't see anything but water & trashes

Today, 17th January 2013 is the day when our beautiful capital city, Jakarta feels the 5 years-periodic of flood. Literally Jakarta is surrounded by water from north to south. For me myself who lives in North of Jakarta, I gotta tell you fellas, life never been easy here. Like today, the rain which falls continuously since night till now 12.30 p.m causes the level of water in some rivers overflow and BANG!! you know what will come after it, ofc it's flood. Flooding everywhere.....
In my house, flood reaches till my calf (well maybe it's just for me since I'm not really tall after all). Worse than that, there are some leaks inside my house and causes waters also flowing inside my house. Yeah I told you life never been any easy here.
Since 7 in the morning, my dad(thanks God he already came back from Bali), my mom, and me had been so hectic to take out the waters inside by using some household appliances; scoop, bucket, sponge, hose, etc. Besides that to prevent the flood from outside comes inside, my father & my two uncles made sort of like dam in front of my door. It's quite effective since the water doesn't come inside. Thanks God it didn't add our burden about this flood issue. At 10 am, all of us surrendered to take out the water inside my house. We won't go anywhere, I mean it is still raining. There's no chance for us to get out from this rain problem. The only way that we can do is wait until the rain stops and then fix it after.
What unique in every flood-season is all the children go outside and just swim in the flood haha. It's just so amusing you know. Yes, children always see the good side from every problems that they face. How can't we as adults to do the same thing like them? hahaha.
Btw sad story comes from my neighbor. Two siblings died at the same time this morning, too bad the ambulance won't come because of the flood. Till now they haven't been buried :( Hope they can rest in peace.
I think that's all, I still stuck in the middle of flood inside my house. I'll share some pictures of flood which happens in my area. Enjoy (?)

pretty awful, huh? Yes it is, and it is worse than it looks.
#SaveJakarta #Jakarta'sFlood #PrayForJakarta

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