Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Friday, 4 January 2013


Pfffft it's just the first week of my long holiday and guess what? I'm bored as hell. GAHHH! I don't know what to say anymore. I mean literally I just wake up-eat-take a bath-eat-sleep-internet-take a bath-tv-sleep- that's it. But, I also don't have any intention to go out somewhere. Ya it's a little bit (or maybe too) stupid, but that's what I feel right now. Not mention again that my friends are having UAS up until the next two weeks maybe. HOLABOMBAAAA. I'm trying to fill my holiday with some useful things; I learn some idioms hahah, stupid I know, but somehow it's fun because it can help me improve my knowledge of English itself. I also make myself busy to read some articles that I found in twitter. Besides that, what? eumh I help my mom! Yes it's the most useful thing I do during my holiday (you should give me a compliment on that) yeaaaah.
My hand phone is my closest best friend at this point, I mean it always be there next to me every time. Luckily, some of my friends already free like me, and some of them haven't go back to their campus life. So, they can have chat with me and just decrease my boring-level. Luckily too, they (ega,rifsi,duffy) often come to my house and just talk for hours. Sigh! But, Ega is going back to Semarang soon :'( and Rifsi, she's having a final test right now. pffft! and Duffy, hhhh he's going back too the hell (I mean dorm) :'( SOOO it means that I'm stuck in here in this place alone (it's so exaggerated  I know, sorry). Ah, what a human nature. I never be grateful for any times. I mean when I'm in my hectic days, I always dying to have holiday and just be in my house. But then, when I have my holiday, I just wanna back to my hectic-campus-life. It's not that I miss the real campus life with the tasks, quizzes, and to meet the lecturers. I just miss my friend in the English department (DM,Jaenab,Tika,Inez) and ofc I also miss my kost-mates like a lot! Ohya BTW, I think I'm just gonna be in the rented room until the 4th semester only. Because my mom think that I already can handle the trip from my home to campus *sigh* but ya it's worth it to be tried.
What? I think I talk too much. I'm gonna end this mumbo jumbo right now.

Ps: I think I'm gonna start to make my holiday plan! yes what a doozy invention of mine. Yeah great minds think alike hahaha.


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