Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Monday, 7 January 2013

It's me (that you haven't know)

Hi.hehehe okay I'm still bored today. Gahhh. Now, I wanna tell you about my bad habits ahahaha yes I'm sure it's such a weird thing. But I do this to be such a reminder for me so that I could be a better person this year. Classic, huh? But let's try this stuff, it sounds more like a resolution. But naaah, it's not. Resolution is a big no-no of mine. Because I do believe that it just motivates me at the first week after I wrote that thing down. Okay let's start it..............

1. I am a moody person.
You know a situation when at first you feel so much happy than suddenly you feel so upset with everybody? I feel that for many times. I don't know, when I feel something bothers me a lot! I will change my mood suddenly. I'm kind of an expressive person hahaha. Ya I'll show my expression a lot through things I've been through. It's not just that, my mood effects all people around me. For example, if I feel upset, I'll text as short as possible, chat as short as possible. I sometimes just text "Yes" "No" "Hmm" "Ha" "dih" "Oh" "zz" "-_-" etc. Ofc whoever read that message will be so upset too, and sort of like enter to my mood also hahaha. Sorry people, I'll try to change this worst habit.

2. I am a sentimental person.
Hahahhaa it's soooo embarrassing for me to tell about it. Yes, I cry a lot. It's not that I cry all the time. It's just my tears run upon my cheeks easily. Even when I'm not sad, I could cry. For example, I can't be mad to people, I mean it's not that I can't feel mad at them, it's just I can't express my madness by shouting at them or scolding at them and things like that. So what will I do when I'm at that condition? I will cry! Yeah to express that unexpressed feeling, suddenly my tears just exploded ahahaha. I just don't wanna make things be worse than ever, so I'll be like the one who give in (uuuuh what an angle I am o:) )

3. I am a SOOOOOO mager person.
Okay let's make it clear as crystal. Mager is soooo damn different with lazy. It has no connection any how at all. Mager is just mager you know. You just not in your mood to go anywhere but here.When I am at the top stage of my Mager-ness hmm. People will be so much annoyed by it. Sorry people, it's just nahhh I'm so mager. Once I've ever dressed to go to campus, then suddenly I felt so much mager, right at that time I decided to changed my cloth and went to sleep. Yes I skipped the class because of a very stupid reason. and don't be shock when I cancel the plan suddenly just because I don't feel like I wanna go hahaha.

4. I am a bossy person
I don't know maybe it's because of my background in the family, I'm the first child here so which means that among my other siblings, I'm the most powerful. So, I often just order this and this and this and that to my siblings. This habit is carried by me wherever I go. More over, when I was in senior high school, I was the leader for one extracurricular which makes my bossy-level rose up. I know it's not a good thing to be had by a leader. But Idk I just couldn't hushhhh it away.

5. I am the One (so ambiguous)
It's not that I'm god-alike or something. Amit-amit ya Allah. This habit means that I just wanna be the best. I hate losing. As what I've told you in my old post. I hate myself so much If I couldn't give my best. If I couldn't bring out my best. It's not that I'm a jerk or bitchy or what. It's just that I don't wanna be degraded by others. That the reason why I'll be dying to reach the top position.Yes it's such a bad habit of mine.

6. I am not a caring person.
For you who know me since forever, you know I am not a kind-of-full of attention-person. I won't get notice whether you feel sad at that time or what. Maybe it's not that I don't see it or what. I actually see and feel it, it's just I don't wanna put my nose into others' business' if they don't ask me to. Because I have a principle that not all people want you to be involved to their problems. There's a time for you to know it, and there's a limitation of things that you could cross in their problems. That's why I prefer not to give or pay full attention to people around me. That's why most of them judged me as a not caring person.

Woaaaaagh seriously I can continue this list until forever but adzan Maghrib has been heard from the nearest Mosque here. So, that's it, I have to go Shalat. I hope that through this year, I can change those bad habits and other untold bad habits of mine. Good luck fo'meeeeeeh! Ciao people ;)


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