Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Sunday, 27 January 2013

Campus Goes To School (SMAN 13) 2013

Today I'd like to tell you about the event which was held by the alumni of SMAN 13 Jakarta (class of 2012). The event was run on 21-23 and 25 of January 2013. It was our gift to our juniors whom will face the campus life soon. In there, all of us as the fresh graduated alumni told all the things which might haven't been known by our juniors about college life. Starting from the variates of Universities and faculties that they can choose, the passing grade, kind of tests to enter those universities, the college fee, etc. It gave so many advantages for all parts. For the juniors, ofc it helped them a lot to understand even more about the life they will face soon. For the school, the teachers and all staffs do not have to worry if their students won't understand about the whole process the will be going through. Last but not least, for us as the alumni, we totally having so much joy there because we can meet up again after 6 months been separated by distance. All of us gathered together, looking so much good with "almamater" we put on us. What can we ask more than a simply meeting?
I'll tell you a little bit about the event.
On the first day, all of the universities that took part in this event opened a booth. In there, all juniors can ask anything they'd like ask to us. We with our knowledge, will try our best to answer kind of questions that they were curious about.
On the second day, actually it was almost the same like the first day. But there was a different thing here, half of the universities presented from class to class; UNPAD, UGM, UNBRAW, actually I sort of forget the rest of the universities.
On the third day, it was the same like the second day. The unvi which presented were UI, IPB, ITB, UNDIP, STT, Poltekkes, UNHAS, etc.
And on the last day, there was a talk show. In that show, 3 of us; Intan (accepted in UNDIP from the invitation way), Fadhli (accepted in UGM from the written test of SNMPTN), and Ami (accepted in UNPAD from the "mandiri" test).
We were having so much fun there, I hope all the juniors were having fun too and ofc we also hope they will get the information that we've been delivered to them.

Here are some photos of us there. Enjoy XD

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