Let the heart whisper. Let the lips speak. Let the fingers type

Saturday, 5 January 2013

Another unimportant journal

Hmm. Actually I don't know what to write right now hahaha but I just wanna write thing down. Heum Okay while typing, hope I'll get some ideas to be written.
Okay I get it. I wanna tell you the reason behind why I create blog again, and why it should be fully written in English. Lend me your eyes :p

First up, the reason why I finally make a decision to re-create my blog is because, I kinda miss the joy which I get from typing some words into it. Yeah people say that it's way better to speak with "human" than with "computer" about your problems. But somehow I always believe that not all of "humans" want to listen your ton of-damn-problems. So, that's why I (sometimes) prefer to write things down on my blog and let those who sincerely read it and maybe can leave some comments directly/not.  But, my current blog is different with my previous one, now I change the vision #tsah of this blog. My previous blog concerns more about my uhuk-ehemlove-problems. ahahahhaha oh gosh. it sounds sooooo eighty-six. I was in a major problem because of the posts that I've written. So as what I've said before, I deleted my old blog and vacuum in the blog world for a little bit long time. But then I kinda miss the feeling from pouring my feeling and ideas into some sentences into it ahahaha. For you whom know the relieve you get after posting into your blog, you'll understand what I'm saying.

Next, why it should be written in English? some people say I'm such a smart-ass or something ahahaha but I'm fine with that. Actually it's related with the reason behind the re-creating of this blog. Since I'm taking English Literature as my current studies, I have to improve my ability to produce some writings. But then how can I improve my ability if I never have a chance to practice? I fully realize my writing is wayyyyyyy far from the good writing itself. Mine hasn't been grammatically perfect. That's why I determine to write everything in English. It's not that I want to show off or something, it's also not that I don't love Bahasa or what. But I just wanna be better, and to achieve that goal, I have to try to change it by myself. I can't rely on other persons to change it. That's when I see blog as the shining star which lead me to the answer of it. Since blogging is free, why don't I use it? Cmon, quoting from @social_junkee "who hates technology? Not me"

I think that's all. Quite unimportant stuff to be read hahaha but that's okay if you skip this writing. Oh ya btw I keep questioning who is the android user who keep checking my blog? :o I mean cmon, almost half of my viewers are you, android user. Whoever you are, I don't mind of it but I just sooo damn curious.


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